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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

Combining items in the Wave window

You can combine signals in the Wave window into busses. A bus is a collection of signals concatenated in a specific order to create a new virtual signal with a specific value. To create a bus, select one or more signals in the Wave window and then choose Edit > Combine. .

The Combine Selected Signals dialog box includes these options:

In the illustration below, three signals have been combined to form a new bus called BUS1. Note that the component signals are listed in the order in which they were selected in the Wave window. Also note that the bus' value is made up of the values of its component signals arranged in a specific order. Virtual objects are indicated by an orange diamond.

Other virtual items in the Wave window

See "Virtual Objects (User-defined buses, and more)" for information about other virtual items viewable in the Wave window.

Model Technology Inc.
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase