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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

License administration tools


License administration is simplified by the lmstat utility. lmstat allows a user of FLEXlm to instantly monitor the status of all network licensing activities. lmstat allows a system administrator at a user site to monitor license management operations, including:

The case-sensitive syntax is shown below:



-a -A
-S <daemon>
-c <license_file>
-f <feature_name>
-s <server_name>
-t <value>



Displays everything.


Lists all active licenses.

-S <daemon>

Lists all users of the specified daemon's features.

-c <license_file>

Specifies that the specified license file is to be used.

-f <feature_name>

Lists users of the specified feature(s).

-s <server_name>

Displays the status of the specified server node(s).

-t <value>

Sets the lmstat time-out to the specified value.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
Voice: (503) 641-1340
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase