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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase

Model Technology Inc.

FLEXlm Licenses

ModelSim uses Globetrotter's FLEXlm license manager and files. Globetrotter FLEXlm license files contain lines that can be referred to by the word that appears first on the line. Each kind of line has a specific purpose and there are many more kinds of lines that MTI does not use.

Mentor Graphics customers

Mentor Graphics provides licensing information in the Mentor Graphics Licensing chapter in the Managing Mentor Graphics Software document. In addition, Model Technology provides some basic Mentor Graphics licensing files. See the readme file in the MGLS- related directory at for more information.

Where to obtain your license

Mentor Graphics customers must contact their Mentor Graphics salesperson for ModelSim licensing. All other customers may obtain ModelSim licenses from Model Technology. Please contact Model Technology at

If you have trouble with licensing

Contact your normal technical support channel:

Technical support - electronic (A-674)

Technical support - telephone (A-675)

Technical support - other channels (A-675)

Maintenance renewals and licenses

When maintenance is renewed, a new license file that incorporates the new maintenance expiration date will be automatically sent to you. If maintenance is not renewed, the current license file will still permit the use of software versions built before maintenance expired until the stop date is reached.

License transfers and server changes

Model Technology and Mentor Graphics both charge a fee for server changes or license transfers. Contact for more information from Model Technology, or contact your local Mentor Graphics sales office for Mentor Graphics purchases.

Additional licensing details

A complete discussion of licensing is located in the Start Here for ModelSim guide. For an online version of Start Here, check the ModelSim Main window Help menu for SE Documentation.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
Voice: (503) 641-1340
Fax: (503)526-5410
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase