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Model Technology Inc.

Mouse and keyboard shortcuts in Main and Source windows

The following mouse actions and special keystrokes can be used to edit commands in the entry region of the Main window. They can also be used in editing the file displayed in the Source window and all Notepad windows (enter the notepad command within ModelSim to open the Notepad editor).

Mouse - UNIX
Mouse - Windows
< left-button - click >
move the insertion cursor
< left-button - press > + drag
< shift - left-button - press >
extend selection
< left-button - double-click >
select word
< left-button - double-click > + drag
select word + word
< control - left-button - click >
move insertion cursor without changing the selection
< left-button - click > on previous ModelSim or VSIM prompt
copy and paste previous command string to current prompt
< middle-button - click >
paste clipboard
< middle-button - press > + drag
scroll the window

Keystrokes - UNIX
Keystrokes - Windows
< left | right - arrow >
move cursor left | right one character
< control > < left | right - arrow >
move cursor left | right one word
< shift > < left | right | up | down - arrow >
extend selection of text
< control > < shift > < left | right - arrow >
extend selection of text by word
< up | down - arrow >
scroll through command history (in Source window, moves cursor one line up | down)
< control > < up | down >
moves cursor up | down one paragraph
< control > < home >
move cursor to the beginning of the text
< control > < end >
move cursor to the end of the text
< backspace >, < control-h >
< backspace >
delete character to the left
< delete >, < control-d >
< delete >
delete character to the right
< alt >
activate or inactivate menu bar mode
< alt > < F4 >
close active window
< control - a >, < home >
< home >
move cursor to the beginning of the line
< control - b >
move cursor left
< control - d >
delete character to the right
< control - e >, < end >
< end >
move cursor to the end of the line
< control - f >
move cursor right one character
< control - k >
delete to the end of line
< control - n >
move cursor one line down (Source window only under Windows)
< control - o >
insert a newline character in front of the cursor
< control - p >
move cursor one line up (Source window only under Windows)
< control - s >
< control - f >
< F3 >
find next
< control - t >
reverse the order of the two characters to the right of the cursor
< control - u >
delete line
< control - v >
move cursor down one screen
< control - w >
< control - x >
cut the selection
< control - x >, < control - s>
< control - s >
< control - y >, F18
< control - v >
paste the selection
< control - a >
select the entire contents of the widget
< control - \ >
clear any selection in the widget
< control - _>, < control - / >
< control - Z >
undoes previous edits in the Source window
< meta - "<" >
move cursor to the beginning of the file
< meta - ">" >
move cursor to the end of the file
< meta - v >
move cursor up one screen
< Meta - w>
< control - c >
copy selection
< F8 >
search for the most recent command that matches the characters typed (Main window only)
< F9>
run simulation
< F10 >
continue simulation
< F11 >
< F12>

The Main window allows insertions or pastes only after the prompt; therefore, you don't need to set the cursor when copying strings to the command line.

Model Technology Inc.
Model Technology Incorporated
Voice: (503) 641-1340
Fax: (503)526-5410
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ModelSim Documentation Bookcase