4-1 inverting multiplexor

This code is for a 4-1 inverting multiplexor which takes in four 1-bit buses and which therefore requires two contol signals by which to select one of the inputs.

        // behavioural-level description of an inverting multiplexor
        module mux_beh (out, cnt1, cnt2, a, b, c, d);
           output out;
           input  cnt1, cnt2, a, b, c, d;
           reg      out;

           always @(cnt1 or cnt2 or a or b or c or d)
              if (cnt1 == 1)
              if (cnt2 == 1) out = ~a;

           else out = ~b;
           else if (cnt2 == 1) out = ~c;

           else out = ~d;

        endmodule // mux_gate

        // behavioural-level description of an inverting multiplexor
        module mux_beh_2 (out, cnt1, cnt2, a, b, c, d);
           output out;
           input  cnt1, cnt2, a, b, c, d;
           wire     out1, out2;

           assign out1 = (cnt1 == 1) ? ~a: ~b;
           assign out2 = (cnt1 == 1) ? ~c: ~d;
           assign out = (cnt2 == 1) ? out1: out2;

        endmodule // mux_gate

        // functional-level description of an inverting multiplexor
        module mux_func (out, cnt1, cnt2, a, b, c, d);
           output out;
           input  cnt1, cnt2, a, b, c, d;

           assign out = ~((cnt1 & cnt2 & a) |
                    (~cnt1 & cnt2 & b) |
                    (cnt1 & ~cnt2 & c) |
                    (~cnt1 & ~cnt2 & d));

        endmodule // mux_gate

        // gate-level description of an inverting multiplexor
        // USING HIERARCHY - first the original descirption of a 2-1
        module mux_2_1 (out, cnt, a, b);
           output out;
           input  cnt, a, b;

           wire     cntBar;
           wire     aval, bval;

           not (cntBar, cnt);
           and (aval, cnt, a);
           and (bval, cntBar, b);
           nor (out, aval, bval);

        endmodule // mux_gate

        module mux_gate (out, cnt1, cnt2, a, b, c, d);
           output out;
           input  cnt1, cnt2, a, b, c, d;

           wire     out1, out2, outBar;

           mux_2_1 name1 (out1, cnt1, a, b);
           mux_2_1 name2 (out2, cnt1, c, d);

           mux_2_1 freda (outBar, cnt2, out1, out2);

           not (out, outBar);

        endmodule // mux_gate

        // NECESSARY TEST stimulus to verify designs
        module stimulus;
           reg       a, b, c, d, cnt1, cnt2;
           wire      out1, out2, out3, out4;
           integer i;

           mux_beh_2 mod1 (out1, cnt1, cnt2, a, b, c, d);
           mux_beh   mod2 (out2, cnt1, cnt2, a, b, c, d);
           mux_func  mod3 (out3, cnt1, cnt2, a, b, c, d);
           mux_gate  mod4 (out4, cnt1, cnt2, a, b, c, d);

           initial begin
              for (i = 0; i <64; i = i + 1) begin
              {a, b, c, d, cnt1, cnt2} = i[5:0];
              #10 $display ($time, " %b %b %b %b %b %b -  %b %b %b %b",
                         a, b, c, d, cnt1, cnt2, out1, out2, out3, out4);
              #10 $finish;
           end // initial begin

        endmodule // stimulus

And the following code refers to a multiplexor which selects between two, four-bit inputs

        // behavioural-level description of an inverting multiplexor
        module mux_beh (out, cnt, a, b);
           output [3:0]     out;
           input  cnt;
           input [3:0] a, b;
           reg [3:0]   out;

           always @(cnt or a or b)
              if (cnt == 1) out = ~a;
           else out = ~b;

        endmodule // mux_gate

        // behavioural-level description of an inverting multiplexor
        module mux_beh_2 (out, cnt, a, b);
           output [3:0]     out;
           input  cnt;
           input [3:0] a, b;

           assign out = (cnt == 1) ? ~a: ~b;

        endmodule // mux_gate

        // functional-level description of an inverting multiplexor
        module mux_func (out, cnt, a, b);
           output [3:0]     out;
           input  cnt;
           input [3:0] a, b;

           assign out = ~(({4{cnt}} & a) | (~{4{cnt}} & b));


        /* sub-module for a hierarchical gate-level description */
        module mux_bit(out, cnt, cntBar, a, b);
           output out;
           input cnt, cntBar, a, b;

           wire aval, bval;

           and (aval, cnt, a);
           and (bval, cntBar, b);
           nor (out, bval, aval);


        module mux_gate_2 (out, cnt, a, b);
           output [3:0]     out;
           input  cnt;
           input [3:0] a, b;

           wire        cntBar;

           not (cntBar, cnt);

           mux_bit m0 (out[0], cnt, cntBar, a[0], b[0]);
           mux_bit m1 (out[1], cnt, cntBar, a[1], b[1]);
           mux_bit m2 (out[2], cnt, cntBar, a[2], b[2]);
           mux_bit m3 (out[3], cnt, cntBar, a[3], b[3]);


        // gate-level description of an inverting multiplexor
        module mux_gate (out, cnt, a, b);
           output [3:0]     out;
           input  cnt;
           input [3:0] a, b;

           wire        cntBar;
           wire [3:0]  aval, bval;

           not (cntBar, cnt);
           and (aval[0], cnt, a[0]);
           and (aval[1], cnt, a[1]);
           and (aval[2], cnt, a[2]);
           and (aval[3], cnt, a[3]);
           and (bval[0], cntBar, b[0]);
           and (bval[1], cntBar, b[1]);
           and (bval[2], cntBar, b[2]);
           and (bval[3], cntBar, b[3]);
           nor (out[0], aval[0], bval[0]);
           nor (out[1], aval[1], bval[1]);
           nor (out[2], aval[2], bval[2]);
           nor (out[3], aval[3], bval[3]);

        endmodule // mux_gate

        // NECESSARY TEST stimulus to verify designs
        module stimulus;
           reg [3:0]  a, b;
           reg          c;
           wire [3:0] out1, out2, out3, out4, out5;
           integer    i;

           mux_beh_2  mod1 (out1, c, a, b);
           mux_beh    mod2 (out2, c, a, b);
           mux_func   mod3 (out3, c, a, b);
           mux_gate   mod4 (out4, c, a, b);
           mux_gate_2 mod5 (out5, c, a, b);

           initial begin
              for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 1) begin
              {b, c} = i[4:0];
              a = ~b;
              #10 $display ($time, " %b %b %b  -  %b %b %b %b %b",
                         a, b, c, out1, out2, out3, out4, out5);
              #10 $finish;
           end // initial begin

        endmodule // stimulus