------------------- | in1 | in2 | out | ------------------- | 0 | 0 | 1 | | 0 | 1 | 0 | | 1 | 0 | 0 | | 1 | 1 | 1 | -------------------
a) reg [7:0] address;
b) address[7:4] = 4'b1010;
reg [7:0] mem8_2048 [2047:0];
a) 0 (false)
b) 0 (false)
c) 1 (true)
d) 1 (true)
e) 1 (true)
a) The while loop will execute 5 times.
a) 1 (true)
b) 1 (true)
c) x (unknown)
d) 1 (true)
a) 10
b) 1000
c) xxx1
a) 0 (false)
b) 1 (true)
c) 1 (true)
concatination and replication
module e_ff(q, data, enable, reset, clock); output q; input data, enable, reset, clock; reg q; always @(posedge clock) if (reset == 1) q = 0; else if (enable == 1) q = data; endmodule // e_ff
b) Here is the module for a toggle flip-flop, The stimulus is also given. Try running them.
module d_ff( q, d, reset, clock); output q; input d, reset, clock; reg q; always @(posedge clock) if (reset == 1) q = #1 0; else q = #1 d; endmodule // d_ff module e_ff(q, d, enable, reset, clock); output q; input d, enable, reset, clock; wire inD; assign inD = (enable == 1) ? d : q; d_ff dff0(q, inD, reset, clock); endmodule // e_ff module t_ff(q, toggle, reset, clock); output q; input toggle, reset, clock; e_ff eff0 (q, ~q, toggle, reset, clock); endmodule // t_ff module stimulus; reg toggle, reset, clock; wire out; t_ff tff0 (q, toggle, reset, clock); initial begin clock = 0; forever #5 clock = ~clock; end // initial begin initial forever #10 $display($time," %b", q); initial begin reset = 0; toggle = 0; #20 reset = 1; #20 reset = 0; #20 toggle = 1; #50 toggle = 0; #20 reset = 1; #30 $finish; end // initial begin endmodule // stimulus
Initial blocks with just one statement do not need the keywords begin and end. Only multiple statements need to be grouped.
module wave; reg clock; reg [1:0] alpha; initial begin $monitor($time, " - %b %d", clock, alpha); clock = 1'b0; alpha = 2'b00; end always #10 clock = ~clock; always begin #10 alpha = 1; #5 alpha = 2; #10 alpha = 0; end initial #70 $finish; endmodule
The answers can be obtained by running the following code along with the module given in the question.
module stimulusdelay; wire [3:0] a, b, c; testdelay delay(a, b, c); initial begin #15 $display ($time," a=%d", a); #2 $display ($time," b=%d", b); #1 $display ($time," c=%d", c); #12 $display ($time," a=%d", a); end endmodule
always @(posedge clock) ... if (updown) // if updown==1 we want to increment the counter q = q + 3; // else we want to decrement else q = q - 3; endmodule
module muxstimulus; reg in1, in2, in3, in4; reg cntrl1, cntrl2; wire out; multiplexor4_1 mux4_1(out, in1, in2, in3, in4, cntrl1, cntrl2); initial begin in1 = 1; in2 = 0; in3 = 1; in4 = 0; $display("Initial arbirtary values"); #0 $display($time," input1 = %b, input2 = %b, input3 = %b, input4 = %b", in1, in2, in3, in4); cntrl1 = 0; cntrl2 = 0; #10 $display($time," cntrl1=%b, cntrl2=%b, output is %b", cntrl1, cntrl2, out); cntrl1 = 0; cntrl2 = 1; #10 $display($time," cntrl1=%b, cntrl2=%b output is %b", cntrl1, cntrl2, out); cntrl1 = 1; cntrl2 = 0; #10 $display($time," cntrl1=%b, cntrl2=%b output is %b", cntrl1, cntrl2, out); cntrl1 = 1; cntrl2 = 1; #10 $display($time," cntrl1=%b, cntrl2=%b output is %b", cntrl1, cntrl2, out); end endmodule
zz01x: Matched OK xxxzx: Did not match 010xz: Matched OK zzz0z: Matched OK
module multiplexor4_1(out, in1, in2, in3, in4, cntrl1, cntrl2); output out; input in1, in2, in3, in4, cntrl1, cntrl2; assign out = cntrl1 ? (cntrl2 ? in4 : in2) : (cntrl2 ? in3 : in1); endmodule
5 times
module initmem; reg [15:0] mem16_256 [255:0]; reg [15:0] address; integer index; initial begin address = 24; for(index = 0; index < 256; index = index + 1) begin mem16_256 [index] = address; address = address + 1; $display("%d", mem16_256[index]); end end endmodule // initmem
A for loop would be favoured over a repeat loop in any situation where we are using the loop index in the loop as in the initialisation exercise in the last section. With a repeat loop we loop strictly a preset number of times but this is more flexible in a for loop, for example
for(i = 0; i < 256; i = i + 1); if some_event // do something and i = i + 10; // speed up the loop else if another_event // do something and i = i - 10; // slow down the loop else if yet_another_event // do someting and i = 256; // end the loop altogether
The forever loop given will start executing at time 5 units, it will flip the clock endlessly and with out a break until the end of the simulation not allowing anything else to happen.
module readwriteMem; integer handle1, handle2, channelsA, index; reg [7:0] memory [7:0]; initial begin handle1 = $fopen("mem.dat"); $fwrite(handle1, "@00300000011000001000000010100000110"); handle2 = $fopen("memory.out"); channelsA = handle2 | 1; $fwrite(channelsA,"@0030); $readmemb("mem.dat", memory); for(index = 0; index < 8; index = index + 1) $fdisplayb(channelsA, memory[index]); $fclose(handle1); $fclose(handle2); end endmodule