VHDL Simulation #1
This simulation exposes the student some modeling topics not covered
in the VHDL synthesis course; namely File IO, timing modeling, and
VHDL configurations.
To Do
All entities required by this assignment are to be placed in a VHDL
library called 'sim1'. Follow the procedures listed in this document to create the new library.
timecheck entity
Write the architecture for the VHDL entity shown below:
entity timecheck is
generic (
thd: time := 0 ps; -- hold time
tsu: time := 0 ps; -- setup time
tpwh: time := 0 ps; -- pulse width high min
tpwl: time := 0 ps; -- pulse width low minimum
spikefilt: time:= 0 ps; -- spike rejection
wd_d: time := 0 ps; -- wire delay, d input
wd_clk: time := 0 ps -- wire delay, clk input
port (
clk : in std_logic; -- input port
d : in std_logic -- input port
end timecheck;
The architecture for the 'timecheck' entity is to do the following:
- Generate internal signals for inputs 'clk', 'd' that are delayed
by the time specifed in 'wd_clk' and 'wd_d'. The internal signals
should perform spike rejection of duration as specifed by 'spikefilt'.
- For a 1 to 0 transition on the internal 'clk' signal, do setup
and hold time checking on the 'd' internal signal as specifed by the
'thd' and 'tsu' values.
- For the internal clock signal, do pulse width high/low checking
as specifie by the 'tpwh' and 'tpwl' values.
The timing violations should be written in the following format:
'violation message' : 'timeval_found' < 'timeval_required'
Examples are:
setup time violation: 0.01 ns < 0.05 ns
clock min pulse width high violation: 0.01 ns < 0.3 ns
clock min pulse width low violation: 0.01 ns < 0.5 ns
setup time violation: 0.045 ns < 0.05 ns
hold time violation: 0.07 ns < 0.075 ns
These messages should be generated via a 'report' statement inside of
an 'assertion' statement of severity 'warning'. It is VERY IMPORTANT
that this wording be used. The simulator wraps some additional text
around the output of the report statement so the complete output will
look like:
# Time: 1050 ps Iteration: 0 Instance:/tc
# ** Warning:
setup time violation: 0.045 ns < 0.05 ns
Signal initialization (events at time 0) usually cause false timing
violations to be reported; this is ok.
stimfile entity
Write the architecture for the VHDL entity shown below:
entity stimfile is
generic (
fname : string := "in.dat"
port (
o : out std_logic
end stimfile;
The architecture is read lines from a file which each line looks like:
bit_value time
Examples are:
0 0 ps
1 100 ps
0 200 ps
1 400 ps
The timevalue is the time at which that value should be applied to the
'o' output port. The architecture should continue to read lines out of
the file named via the 'fname' generic until there are no more lines
in the file.
Your stim file architecture must do the following error checks (the error message
is shown next to it):
- Input file cannot be opened "Input File not opened. ";
- formatting error for the bit value "Bit value not found. ";
- formatting error for the time value "Time value not found. ";
- A time value is less than the previous time value "Time value of some_value less than previous time. ";
Use an assertion statement with severity 'error' to print these messages out.
Write a testbench that instantitiates two 'stimfile' components whose
outputs are connected to the inputs of a 'timecheck' component. Write
input files for the stimfile components that check all of the timing
violations reported by the 'timecheck' component.
To Turn In
All of your VHDL files should be in a directory called 'sim1' if you
followed the directions for creating a new library. From the
directory above 'sim1', copy the script
submit_sim1.pl .
Then execute the script via "perl submit_sim1.pl"
This will create a compressed tar file
of your 'sim1' directory and will mail it to me.
Other Constraints
I have listed some other constraints that you need to follow in order
to make your architecture compatible with my testbench:
- Do not use seperate files for entity/architecture. Put the
entity and architecture in the same file; name the file
'entityname.vhd'. (all lowercase). You should have files named
"timecheck.vhd", "stimfile.vhd". Also include files for
testbench ( "tb.vhd") , and ("cfg_tb.vhd") but I will not use them in
my simulation, I will only check that you have them.
- Here are sample input files for the 'd'(
d.dat ) and 'clk' ( clk )
inputs. Here is the output file that should result from these
timings ( gold.sim1.log ).
I WILL CHECK your file with OTHER TIMINGS - you need to test
your model with other timings to verify functionality. .
I will check your timecheck entities with different values for
setup/hold/pulsewidth/wire delays.
I will also check your stimulus entity for the error conditions mentioned above.
- The generic values that produced the 'gold.sim1.log' file above were:
thd = 75 ps, tsu = 50 ps, tpwh = 300 ps, tpwl = 500 ps, spikefile = 5 ps,
wd_d = 10 ps, wd_clk = 20 ps. I will use different values for these generics
and different input files for 'clk' and 'd' when I test your files.