SSN Finite State Machine Lab for EE 3714
This form will allow you to compile/simulate your VHDL file for the
SSN Finite State Machine lab in EE 3714.
Step #1
You must first prepare a VHDL file that implements the boolean logic
for your SSN FSM.
I have provided two sample VHDL solutions for you to look at:
- greyss.vhd is solution that uses 5
states and encodes these 5 states using three DFFs
(the encoding used is a Grey Code).
- onehotss.vhd is solution that uses 5
states and encodes these 5 states using five DFFs via one-hot encoding.
These two files implement a solution for SSN = "458 70 2198".
You can use either one of these files as your starting point. Changes
you will have to make:
- You will have to edit the signal declaration for the "q" and "d"
signals to match the number of FFs that you use.
- Replace the boolean equations for the "dout" and "q" signals
with your own.
- Make sure that you edit the initial state when Reset='1' to
match what your starting state is.
You might want to try
compiling/simulating either of these files using the procedure below to see what
type of results you should expect.
Step #2
Fill in the information below (Student ID number, and file name), and
hit the submit button.
If successful, you will be returned an HTML page that has links to a
JEDEC file (.jed) for a 22V10 PLD and a REPORT file (.rpt file). You should remember the URL (web
address) of the RETURNED page so that you can program your 22V10 PLD during
lab. You must enter your SSN in the field below and browse to a file
on your local file system that contains your VHDL code.
If your VHDL file has syntax errors, the REPORT file will contain
error messages from the parser that indicates the line numbers of the
errors. I would suggest correcting only the FIRST error, and then
trying again. Errors after the first error can be generated as a side
effect of the first error, and may disappear after you correct the
first error.
The simulation results will show the "qstate" (the state of your FSM)
and the "dout" values for a set of test cases:
- Reset='1', Odd='0'
- Reset='0', Odd='0', several successive clock cycles
- Reset='1', Odd='1',
- Reset='0', Odd='1', several successive clock cycles
- Reset='0', Odd changing from '0' to '1' on each successive clock
Be sure that you check that
these are the expected results. If they are NOT the expected results,
then you need to check your boolean equations. There is no need to
program the 22V10 PLD if your simulation results are not what you
expect (because the 22V10 PLD will simply do what the simulation
You MUST have produced the JEDEC file and simulation file before you
come to class. BEFORE you program the 22V10 PLD, you must show the TA
that your simulation results match your expected results. DO NOT
TIE UP THE PLD PROGRAMMER if your simulation results are incorrect.
Microsoft Internet Explorer Options
If you keep seeing the same report file or JEDEC file even when you
change your VHDL file, then you might need to change your IE Explorer
options. Under the 'View' menu choice at the top bar, select 'Internet Options'. In the "Internet
Options" form, under "Temporary Internet Files", choose the "Settings"
button. In the "Settings" form under "Check for newer versions of
stored pages", make sure that "Every visit to the page" is selected.
Once you have done this, this exit all of the forms by clicking on the "Ok"
button at the bottom of each form.
Last modified: Mon Sep 20 16:09:32 CDT 1999