Hex to Signed Decimal (cont)
STEP 2 (negative sign): If the sign is Negative, then need to compute the magnitude of the number.
We will use the trick that - (-N) = + N i.e. Take the negative of a negative number will give you the positive number. In this case the number will be the magnitude.If the number is SM format, set Sign bit to Zero: $F0 = % 11110000 => % 01110000 = $70 = 112If the number is 1s complement, complement each bit. $F0 = % 11110000 => % 00001111 = $0F = 15If the number is 2s complement, complement and add one. $F0 = % 11110000 => %00001111 + 1 = %00010000 = $10 = 16