VHDL pacemaker icon Multimedia Project Edition, Doulos VHDL Training

The edition offering remote but fully supported tool based design training for VHDL. With optional tutor support this is the only true remote learning package for VHDL currently available

The same multimedia CD online tutorial and hard copy reference guide provided with the Multimedia Tutorial Edition plus...

Tool based design exercises

Personal assignment (with tutor review)

Access to Expert tutor support (cost option)

This edition is the closest you will get to attending a course with a VHDL expert but in a Teach-Yourself form. You get all the content and components available in the Multimedia Tutorial Edition but with some significant additions.

This edition gives you that essential hands-on practice with developing, simulating and synthesising VHDL. You get the feel for what's involved in project use of VHDL with your own tools. If you purchase the tutor support option we will share the responsibility with you in ensuring you get up to speed with VHDL by providing you with Personal Tutor support. This makes the Project Edition the only true remote learning package for VHDL and synthesis currently available.

Your Personal Tutor will answer those questions that only you will have and help you develop your personal understanding of VHDL fully. To achieve this the Project Edition includes a Personal Assignment customised for the tools of your choice. You can submit these for comment and review by your Personal Tutor to get feedback on your progress and earn you a course certificate.

Note: You will need access to a VHDL simulation and synthesis tool to make full use of this edition. Please specify which tools you will be using when you place an order.

To reserve your own personal copy of VHDL PaceMaker Project Edition, click here. The minimum system requirement you need to run this edition is a 486-based PC with 8MB RAM running Windows 3.1 or later.

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This page was last updated 9th June 1997.

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