building the ALUDoulos’ TeleDesign — ASIC Design and FPGA Design via the Internet using VHDL and Verilog

No, Doulos has not gone into the television repair business.

TeleDesign refers to the use of ISDN connectivity to provide remote live design support. Recent developments in connectivity offer new options for the full resourcing of design projects. Full tele-commuting may be some way from being practical but the Doulos TeleDesign service offers a more reliable option for design projects than the use of contractors and a more cost effective and controlled option than full design outsourcing.

Simply speaking, TeleDesign is the provision of Doulos specialists working remotely via ISDN but as part of your design team using your design systems in the same controlled environment.

Doulos has completed three TeleDesign ASIC projects for a key European chip manufacturer. This endorses the concept and practice of the TeleDesign approach.

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Copyright 1995-1996 Doulos
This page was last updated 24th October 1997.

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