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The possible top level architectures are : system%d - maps to %s_%s The possible top level configurations are : system%d - maps to %s_%s # # for package '%s' # # ERROR : package missing for package body '%s' $(S)%s_.ana: %s $(VHDL) $(VHOPTS) %s $(TOUCH) $(S)%s_.mg: $(S)%s_.ana $(MG) $(MGOPTS) %s $(TOUCH) # note : no body for '%s' # now the body $(S)%s.ana: %s $(S)%s_.ana $(VHDL) $(VHOPTS) %s $(S)%s.ana: $(S)%s_.ana # package and package body are in same VHDL file $(S)%s.ana: %s $(S)%s_.ana $(VHDL) $(VHOPTS) %s $(TOUCH) $(S)%s.mg: $(S)%s.ana $(S)%s_.mg $(MG) $(MGOPTS) -body %s $(TOUCH) # # for architecture '%s' of entity '%s' # # ERROR : file %s : architecture '%s' has no entity! # code for making entity '%s' defined above # entity '%s' $(S)%s_.ana: %s $(S)%s_%s.ana # entity '%s' is in the same file as configuration '%s' $(S)%s_.ana: %s # entity '%s' is in the same file as architecture '%s' $(S)%s_.ana: %s $(VHDL) $(VHOPTS) %s $(S)%s_%s.ana # entity '%s' in same file as architecture '%s(%s)' $(S)%s_.ana # entity '%s' in same file as entity '%s' $(TOUCH) # architecture '%s' $(S)%s_%s.ana: %s $(S)%s_%s.ana # architecture '%s' is in the same file as configuration '%s' $(S)%s_%s.ana: %s $(S)%s_.ana $(VHDL) $(VHOPTS) %s $(TOUCH) $(S)%s_%s.mg: $(S)%s_%s.ana $(MG) $(MGOPTS) -top '%s(%s)' $(TOUCH) $(S)%s_%s.bd: $(S)%s_%s.mg $(BD) -replace $(BDOPTS) '%s(%s)' $(TOUCH) # entity '%s' $(S)%s_.ana: %s $(VHDL) $(VHOPTS) %s $(S)%s_.ana # entity '%s' in same file as entity '%s' $(TOUCH) # # for configuration '%s' of entity '%s' # $(S)%s_%s.ana: %s $(S)%s_%s.ana $(S)%s_.ana $(VHDL) $(VHOPTS) %s $(TOUCH) # ERROR : file %s : no entity declaration for config %s # of entity '%s' $(S)%s_%s.mg: $(S)%s_%s.ana $(MG) $(MGOPTS) -top %s $(TOUCH) $(S)%s_%s.bd: $(S)%s_%s.mg $(BD) -replace $(BDOPTS) %s $(TOUCH) $(S)%s_%s.mg: $(S)%s_%s.ana $(MG) $(MGOPTS) %s $(TOUCH) system: analyze: $(S)%s_%s.ana $(S)%s_.ana $(S)%s_.ana $(S)%s.ana $(S)%s_%s.ana # # The package dependencies on other packages follow # # The entity-architecture dependencies on packages follow # # Top level architecture dependencies on other # arch/entity or config follow # system: system%d: $(S)%s_%s.bd %s_%s: system %d sim: system sim%d: system%d $(SIM) $(SIM_OPTS) %s # -------------- # # Top level configuration dependencies on other # arch/entity or config follow # $(S)%s_%s.bd: $(S)%s_%s.mg system: system%d: $(S)%s_%s.bd %s_%s: system %d sim: system sim%d: system%d $(SIM) $(SIM_OPTS) %s # -------------- # # Type 'make all' to make ALL of the systems # Here, 'make all' makes the loose units all: system system%d loose # # Type 'make loose' to make the loose entity- # architectures, entities, and packages. loose : .loose_arch .loose_entity .loose_package # # Loose entity-architectures, entities, and packages follow # .loose_arch: $(S)%s_%s.mg .loose_arch: .loose_entity: $(S)%s_.ana .loose_entity: .loose_package: $(S)%s.mg $(S)%s_.mg .loose_package: # # for package %s # # for package body %s # # for architecture '%s' of entity '%s' # ERROR : file %s : package '%s' has not been parsed. $(S)%s_.ana: $(S)%s_.ana $(S)%s_%s.mg: $(S)%s_.mg $(S)%s_.ana: $(%s)$(S)%s_.ana $(S)%s_%s.mg: $(%s)$(S)%s_.mg # entity '%s' package dependencies previously printed # ERROR : file %s : package '%s' has not been parsed. $(S)%s_%s.ana: $(S)%s_.ana $(S)%s_%s.mg: $(S)%s_.mg $(S)%s_%s.ana: $(%s)$(S)%s_.ana $(S)%s_%s.mg: $(%s)$(S)%s_.mg # ERROR : file %s : package '%s' has not been parsed. $(S)%s.ana: $(S)%s_.ana: $(S)%s_.ana $(S)%s.mg: $(S)%s_.mg: $(S)%s_.mg $(S)%s.ana: $(S)%s_.ana: $(%s)$(S)%s_.ana $(S)%s.mg: $(S)%s_.mg: $(%s)$(S)%s_.mg $(S)%s_%s.ana: $(S)%s_%s.ana: \ # ERROR : file %s : entity name not defined for config '%s' $(S)%s_%s.ana $(%s)$(S)%s_%s.ana \ # WARNING : no entity %s found $(S)%s_%s.ana $(S)%s_%s.ana $(S)%s_.ana $(%s)$(S)%s_%s.ana $(%s)$(S)%s_.ana $(S)%s_%s.bd: $(S)%s_%s.mg $(S)%s_%s.mg: $(S)%s_%s.mg \ # ERROR : entity name not defined for config '%s' $(S)%s_%s.mg $(%s)$(S)%s_%s.mg $(S)%s_%s.mg $(%s)$(S)%s_%s.mg \ # WARNING : package '%s' not parsed $(%s)$(S)%s.mg $(S)%s.mg $(%s)$(S)%s.mg VHOPTS = MGOPTS = BDOPTS = SIM_OPTS = -notrace HMT_OPTS = VHDL = vhdl MG = mg BD = build SIM = sim VHDL = analyze MG = @echo no mg phase for BD = @echo no bd phase for SIM = sim VHDL = vcom MG = @echo no mg phase for BD = @echo no bd phase for SIM = vsim VHDL = vhdlan -nc MG = @echo no mg phase for BD = @echo no bd phase for SIM = vhdlsim -t ns VHDL = vsh -c analyze MG = @echo no mg phase for BD = @echo no bd phase for SIM = vsh -c simulate DDBG = DCHK = DKIST = VHDL = dvhdl -ace $(DDBG) $(DCHK) $(DLIST) MG = @echo no mg phase for BD = @echo no bd phase for SIM = vsh -c simulate VHDL = analyze -d -O MG = @echo no mg phase for BD = @echo no bd phase for SIM = simulate -c -p ERROR: no such tool_set %d S = .vmkr/ TOUCH = @mkdir -p .vmkr ; touch $@ S = . TOUCH = @touch $@ .makefile.includer%c# note all directory definitions (if used) must end in / # eg. ../dir_name/ %s = # note all directory definitions must end in / # eg. ../dir_name/ %s = \ %s 0&8B< B@BD BHBL BP\B` Bdt&|B BhB BH ( (C C"H (L (PCAT CAX"p (t (xCI| CI"|&\&<CL CL ( (" ( (C^ C^"l (p (tCx C|" ( (C C"X&8&C C ( ("8!<!l&xC| CC CTH& C CD D D D,D%0 D%4@D>D D>HPDST DSXxD^| D^Dy Dyh&TD D$D D,D0 D4<D@ DD`Ed EhtE#x E#|E: E:tEE EEXEg EgDE E4(,L&$&8&HEL EPE ExlE E$Hh& F  F  L |& F+  F+ d FJ  FJ P Fp  Fp <  F  F  F  F  ,F 0 F 4 \F ` F d |F  F | F  F h &@ &  F  F  4G 8 G < PG> T G> X hGL l GL p xGw | Gw  G  G h 8 & G  G  (G , G 0 <G @ G D tG x G | H  H p H.  H. ` H9  H9 @ HV  HV 0 Hh  Hh  Hn  Hn $ ,Hx 0 Hx 4 xH | H  H  H h H  H X    H&l&LH H,H HH H H H H&h&tIx I|I IlI? 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