Index of /vhdl/tools/frontend

      Name                   Last modified     Size  Description

[DIR] Parent Directory 27-Mar-97 08:54 - [CMP] vhdlfront.1.1.tar.Z 27-Mar-95 17:40 98k

VHDL Frontend "VhdlFront" of the University of Twente

=============================== 1.0 =========================================

Jaap Hofstede, 8-7-1993.

VhdlFront.1.0.tar.Z contains a very preliminary version of a frontend
for VHDL. It is not supposed to be complete or te be free of errors
and certainly not to be a complete product. The documentation is 
minimal. It is offered as such to people who explicitly showed
their interest, just to see how things are done. Of course the
University of Twente assumes no responsibility for the use
or reliability of this software.

This frontend is based on the tools of the compiler toolbox CCTB of GMD
of the University of Karlsruhe. 

The GMD Compiler Tool Box CCTB is available via ftp from several sites.
The following list is a literal copy of the list in the toolbox itself.

host                     number        directory /pub/cocktail        /gmd/cocktail  /pub/programming/cocktail   /soft/unix/programming/compilerbau  /pub/programming/languages/compiler-compi
ler/cocktail                      /pub/src/cocktail   /languages/tools/gmd                     /.3/plan/gmd

================================ 1.1 ========================================

Jaap Hofstede, 17-1-1995.

VhdlFront.1.1.tar.Z contains an improved version of the VHDL frontend 
of the University of Twente. We did not have opportunity to put
much effort in improvement of the VHDL frontend. However, version 1.0 had a 
lot of problems with dangling NIL pointers, especially in the part of the tree
which is added for the predefined stuff. These problems were not noticeable in
our HP version, but they showed up on e.g. SUNs. So version 1.1 has been 
improved in that aspect. It has been run on several platforms (HP, SUN, PC 
with Linux) and it is purified with several test inputs without problems.

So, although this version 1.1 is supposed to be "better" than version 1.0, all
restrictions mentioned above still hold: "It is not supposed to be complete or 
te be free of errors and certainly not to be a complete product".

Jaap Hofstede (