-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright (C) 1993, Peter J. Ashenden -- Mail: Dept. Computer Science -- University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia -- e-mail: petera@cs.adelaide.edu.au -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) -- any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- $RCSfile: dlx_test_rtl.vhdl,v $ $Revision: 2.1 $ $Date: 1993/11/02 20:20:00 $ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Configuration of DLX test bench using register transfer level -- architecture of DLX processor. -- configuration dlx_test_rtl of dlx_test is for bench for cg : clock_gen use entity work.clock_gen(behaviour) generic map (Tpw => 8 ns, Tps => 2 ns); end for; for mem : memory use entity work.memory(behaviour) generic map (mem_size => 65536, Tac1 => 95 ns, Tacb => 35 ns, Tpd_clk_out => 2 ns); end for; for bus_monitor : dlx_bus_monitor use entity work.dlx_bus_monitor(behaviour) generic map (enable => true, verbose => true, tag => "bus monitor"); end for; for proc : dlx use entity work.dlx(rtl) generic map (Tpd_clk_out => 2 ns, debug => true, tag => "proc"); for rtl for all : alu use entity work.alu(behaviour) generic map (Tpd => 4 ns); end for; for all : reg_file use entity work.reg_file(behaviour) generic map (Tac => 4 ns); end for; for all : latch use entity work.latch(behaviour) generic map (Tpd => 2 ns); end for; for all : reg_1_out use entity work.reg_1_out(behaviour) generic map (Tpd => 2 ns); end for; for all : reg_2_out use entity work.reg_2_out(behaviour) generic map (Tpd => 2 ns); end for; for all : reg_2_1_out use entity work.reg_2_1_out(behaviour) generic map (Tpd => 2 ns); end for; for all : reg_3_out use entity work.reg_3_out(behaviour) generic map (Tpd => 2 ns); end for; for all : mux2 use entity work.mux2(behaviour) generic map (Tpd => 1 ns); end for; for all : ir use entity work.ir(behaviour) generic map (Tpd => 2 ns); end for; for the_controller : controller use entity work.controller(behaviour) generic map (Tpd_clk_ctrl => 2 ns, Tpd_clk_const => 4 ns, debug => true); end for; end for; -- rtl of dlx end for; -- proc : dlx end for; -- bench of dlx_test end dlx_test_rtl;