Integrated Device Technology Models

This page contains a brief description of the Integrated Device Technology VHDL models and pointers to the source files.

These IDT models are from RASSP sources.

Package header and body (Here) for Integrated Device Technology models
Description : Utility package for all Integrated Device
Technology models
General Taxonomy Level : Behavioral
Created by : Mississippi State University
IDTXXFCT543 (Here)
Description : Octal Latched Transceiver w/ Latch Enable,
Chip Enable, and Output Enable
General Taxonomy Level : Full Functional
Created by : Mississippi State University
IDTXXFCT646 (Here)
Description : Octal Transceiver/Register w/ Enable and
Direction Control
General Taxonomy Level : Full Functional
Created by : Mississippi State University
IDTXXFCT841 (Here)
Description : High-Performance CMOS Bus Interface
General Taxonomy Level : Full Functional
Created by : Mississippi State University

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