--========================================================== -- Design units : AssocMemCtrl -- (entitiy, architecture and configuration) -- -- File name : AssocMemCtrl.vhd -- -- Purpose : Control Circuit for Associative Memory -- -- Limitations : -- -- Library : WORK -- -- Dependencies : -- -- Author : Hans-Peter Eich, REFT -- -- Simulator : Synopsys V3.1a on SUN SPARCstation 10 -- ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revision list -- Version Author Date Changes -- -- V1.0 hpe 02.04.95 new -- V2.0 cjt 18.10.95 ESA-Standard, reset on active low --=========================================================== LIBRARY IEEE; USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; USE work.ELEMpack.all; USE work.AssocMemPack.all; ENTITY AssocMemCtrl IS PORT (Store : IN std_logic; SelectAdrMat : IN std_logic; WriteEnable : IN std_logic; Reset : IN std_logic; -- reset on active low StoreRes : OUT std_logic); END AssocMemCtrl; --==========================ARCHITECTURE===================== ARCHITECTURE Structure OF AssocMemCtrl IS SIGNAL notReset,notWriteEnable,notStore,Set: std_logic := '0'; BEGIN Inv0 : INV PORT MAP (Reset, notReset); Inv1 : INV PORT MAP (WriteEnable, notWriteEnable); Inv2 : INV PORT MAP (Store, notStore); Flag : RSFF PORT MAP (Set, notReset, StoreRes, open); Constraint : AND4 PORT MAP (notStore, SelectAdrMat, notWriteEnable, Reset, Set); END Structure; --==========================CONFIGURATION==================== CONFIGURATION AssocMemCtrl_Config OF AssocMemCtrl IS FOR Structure FOR Inv0 : INV USE ENTITY work.inv(Behavior); END FOR; FOR Inv1 : INV USE ENTITY work.inv(Behavior); END FOR; FOR Inv2 : INV USE ENTITY work.inv(Behavior); END FOR; FOR Flag : RSFF USE ENTITY work.rsff(Behavior); END FOR; FOR Constraint : AND4 USE ENTITY work.and4(Behavior); END FOR; END FOR; -- Structure END AssocMemCtrl_Config;