Simulation is performed in order to give insight to problems which
cannot be efficiently analyzed via an analytical approach.
The objective of this assignment is use our 'arbiter' and 'cpu'
entities to answer some quantitative questions about the importance of
implementing round-robin priority and overlapped bus grants in the
central arbiter.
Unpack the file "~reese/EE8993/sim3.tar.Z" in the directory in which
your 'src' and 'obj' directories are located for your VHDL assignments.
This will unpack a 'sim3' library (src/, obj/, Makefile). These files
contain slightly modified versions of the files provided for
simulation #2. You will need to use the 'qhmap' command to map the
'sim3' library name to '../obj/qhdl/sim3'. The arbiter
component has been modified to include two GENERICS :
ROUND_ROBIN :boolean := TRUE; -- do round_robin priority if true
-- else do Fixed priority
OVERLAP_GRANT :boolean := TRUE; -- overlap grant requests if true
-- else do NON-OVERLAPPED grant request.
- Assume that every bus transaction takes 8 clock cycles (the Busy line
is held low for 8 clocks once a bus grant has been made in response to
a bus request).
- Define request rate as the rate at which Bus requests
are generated by a CPU. A request rate of 1% would mean that 1 bus
request would be generated for every 100 clock cycles in which the
external bus is NOT being requested (or utilized). Assume that all of
the CPUs in the system have the same request rate. In the CPU model
which is provided, the 'LOCAL' state is the state in which the CPU is
performing local operations and is not in the process of a bus request.
- Define total clocks as the total number of clocks during
the simulation. This number applies to the entire simulation.
- Define idle time for a CPU as the total number of clocks spent waiting for
a bus grant (corresponds to the 'GRANT' and GRANTACK states of the provided CPU model). Each CPU can
have a different idle time.
- Define bus utilization as the number of
clocks in which the 'bbusy' line is asserted (had a '0' value) divided by the total number of clocks.
To Do
- Add a generic called 'REQUEST_RATE' (type 'natural') to the 'CPU'
entity. Assume the request rate can vary between 0 to 999
which represents request rates of 0.1% to 99%. Modify the CPU code
such that random requests (uniform distribution) are generated from a
CPU component to match the request rate. This is done by keeping a
boolean array of 1000 elements (call this array REQ_ARRAY). A counter which is incremented
for every clock cycle spent in the CPU 'LOCAL' state is used to index into the
REQ_ARRAY. If the REQ_ARRAY value is TRUE, then a bus request needs to
be generated. Each time the counter reaches the end of the REQ_ARRAY,
the array values need to first be reset to FALSE, then random elements
in the REQ_ARRAY need to be set to TRUE to give a bus request rate
over the next 1000 local clocks that matchs the REQUEST_RATE generic (
a bus request rate of '10' would mean that 10 of the 1000 values in
the REQ_ARRAY need to be set to TRUE).
- Add a generic called 'RND_SEED' (type natural) to the 'CPU' entity. This
value can vary between 1 and 50 and specifies the array index of
starting random seed as specified in the 'rnd2' package. Assign
each CPU component a DIFFERENT rnd_seed value (I don't care what
values you use). The 'rnd2' package is included in the 'sim3.tar.Z'
file. Also included in the 'sim3.tar.Z' file is an entity called
'rnd_test' that illustrates how to use the 'rnd2' package.
- Add a generic called 'CPU_ID' (type natural) to the 'CPU' entity. This
value will be the ID number of the CPU and should be put on the
address bus anytime the CPU has the bus. CPU_ID numbers should be
assigned sequentially in the simulation (0 to 7 if the simulation
contains 8 CPUs).
- Add a generic called 'CLK_MAX' (type natural) to the 'CPU'
entity. The CPU should compare CLK_MAX to the total number of
clocks it has seen thus far; when the total clks equals this CLK_MAX
then the CPU should set its 'active' output to 'Z' and not generate
any more bus requests. The 'active' output should be a '0' value otherwise.
- Create a test bench called 'tb_cpu8' that instantiates 8 CPU
components (the 'tb.vhd' file provided in the 'sim3.tar.Z' file only
instantiaties two CPU components).
- Modify whatever entities are necessary to produce the statistical
information required in the following section.
I want the following 6 graphs done where the information is based upon
simulations of an 8 CPU system. Each simulation should be run for 5000 clock cycles.
- I would like a plot which shows BUS UTILIZATION percentage (Y-axis) plotted against
REQUEST_RATE (x-axis) values of 50, 40, 30, 20, 15, 10, 5 for three different
All three cases should be plotted on the same graph for comparison purposes.
- I would like a plot which shows the average CPU Idle Time
Percentage (y-axis) plotted against
REQUEST_RATE (x-axis) values of 50, 40, 30, 20, 15, 10, 5 for three different
All three cases should be plotted on the same graph for comparison purposes.
- I would like a plot which shows the average number of CPU bus
requests (y-axis) plotted against
REQUEST_RATE (x-axis) values of 50, 40, 30, 20, 15, 10, 5 for three different
cases (a request counter must be kept for each CPU that is incremented
each time the CPU makes a request. The average number of requests is
total # of requests divided by the number of CPUs):
All three cases should be plotted on the same graph for comparison purposes.
- For the REQUEST RATE value of 40, produce a bar graph plot which compares
the Percent Idle times of EACH cpu for the two cases of ROUND_ROBIN equal TRUE
and FALSE (OVERLAP_GRANT = TRUE always). X-axis should be CPU ID #, Y
axis is Percent Idle Times.
- For the REQUEST RATE value of 40, produce a bar graph plot which compares
the number of requests made by EACH cpu for the two cases of ROUND_ROBIN=TRUE
and ROUND_ROBIN=FALSE (OVERLAP_GRANT = TRUE always). X-axis should be CPU ID #, Y
axis is number of requests.
Model Output
After all CPU's have set their active output to 'Z' which causes the
'active' line to go to a 'H' then statistics in the following format
need to be printed:
# CPU #0 Total Clks: 5000, Total Requests: 42, Total Waits: 126, %Wait: 3
# CPU #1 Total Clks: 5000, Total Requests: 44, Total Waits: 127, %Wait: 3
# CPU #2 Total Clks: 5000, Total Requests: 42, Total Waits: 74, %Wait: 1
# CPU #3 Total Clks: 5000, Total Requests: 44, Total Waits: 73, %Wait: 1
# CPU #4 Total Clks: 5000, Total Requests: 45, Total Waits: 120, %Wait: 2
# CPU #5 Total Clks: 5000, Total Requests: 42, Total Waits: 95, %Wait: 2
# CPU #6 Total Clks: 5000, Total Requests: 43, Total Waits: 76, %Wait: 2
# CPU #7 Total Clks: 5000, Total Requests: 41, Total Waits: 117, %Wait: 2
# ReqRate: 10, %Bus Util: 54%, Avg Req: 42, Avg Waits: 101, %Avg Wait: 2%
One way to keep the statistics is to define a package that has some
global counters in it for each CPU (you can assume that there will be
only 8 CPUs). After the 'active' line goes to an 'H', the stimulus
module can call a 'report' procedure which you have placed in this
package; the 'report' procedure prints the statistics to standard
output (use a 'writeline' function to file OUTPUT);
To Turn In
From the directory above your 'sim3' directory (your should be in the
'src' directory of your VHDL development tree), execute the script
'~reese/bin/'. This will create a compressed tar file
of your 'sim3' directory, along with your 'Makefiles/Makefile.sim3'
file and will mail it to me.
Two of the files I have placed in the 'sim3.tar.Z' file are called
'sim3/cfg_tb.template' and 'sim3/cfg_tb.vhd'. The 'cfg_tb.vhd' file
references a testbench called 'tb_cpu8.vhd'. The 'tb_cpu8.vhd' file
is a testbench you MUST write that implements the 8 CPU system. To
test your simulation, I have a perl script that for each set of
parameters listed above, will use the'
cfg_tb.template' file to generate a new 'cfg_tb.vhd', compile the
configuration using 'Makefiles/Makefile.sim3', and then run the
simulation. Because of this I am interested in ALL of your VHDL
files. Your 'Makefiles/Makefile.sim3' file MUST CLEANLY COMPILE
all of the files in your 'sim3' directory, and must include a target
for 'cfg_tb.vhd'. I will run your simulation for each set of
parameters above and look at the output produced to see if it roughly
matches what I expect. I do not expect an exact match with my numbers.
I do not care how many new VHDL packages/entities/configurations that you add to
the original files I give you or how you modify the entities/packages
which are already there. I just want your code to be compatible with
the 'cfg_tb.vhd' configuration I have provided, and I want to be able
to execute your 'Makefiles/Makefile.sim3' to recompile your code. If
you do not provide this, I can't grade your simulation and you will
receive no credit.
In addition to your graphs, write a short 1-2 page report that
discusses your simulation results. Attempt to convice me that your
simulation results are valid. Your REPORT must be typed and your must
turn in your report and graphs in an MSU lab folder.