EE/CS 118 Digital Design
Final Project Specification

Design a digital system that finds the square root of a number.

Minimum requirements for your design:

The project grade will be improved if you do the following, listed in decreasing order of importance: Extra Credit will be given for a design that also computes 4-bits of the fractional part of the square root.

Below is an algorithm that computes the integer part of the square root.  It uses a "trial and error" method of finding the square root.

To find the square root of N:

root <- 0
for i in  MSB-position of root downto 0
        set bit i of root
        if root*root > N then
                reset bit i

Here is a C program that implements this algorithm. It is only provided as an executable specification that might help a little to understand the alogorithm.  You should not try to implement it directly in VHDL.

Note that the algorithm includes a multiplication.

To get around building a full multiplier, the following shortcut can be used.

1. Store each root and root^2 as it is generated. The initial values are known.

The new (root') and old root values are related as follows:   root'  =  root  +  x   where x is a power of 2.

To find root' * root' we can substitute (root + x) and get

(root + x ) (root + x)

Multiplying this out we get:

root^2  +  2 x root + x^2

The first term is the value of the last root^2, which we have stored.
The second term is a multiplication by a power of 2, so can be accomplished by shifting.
The third term is also a multiplication by a power of 2, so can be accomplished by shifting.
Notice that the number of bits shifted is related to the loop index variable.

A C program that uses the shift and add rather than the multiplication is also given, and the same warnings apply.

Another algorithm that is more serial in nature is described by the following steps:
loop for (input bitsize)/2 times
    double left shift input into working_reg
    copy 2*root to temp
    shift a 1 into rightmost bit of root 
    shift a 1 into rightmost bit of temp
    is temp > working_reg?
       yes, invert last bit of root
       no, working_reg :=  working_reg - temp
Many thanks to Prof. Hemmendinger for providing this alternative.

In this algorithm, the input is considered 2 bits at a time, starting from the left. The working register initially contains the first two bits, and later may contain a remainder that must be considered in the next iteration. Here is an example in decimal of the manual method from which the algorithm is derived:

input: 341642
            341642    |  584   <-- root
 5          25     <----- 5 * 5
108          864   <----- 8 * 108
1164          4656 <----- 4 * 1164
               586 <---- remainder

Note that the first root value, 5, must be guessed. The 10 in 108 is twice the initial root value. The 116 in 1164 is twice the second root value, 58.

Now for an example in binary:

input: 10011111
initial root guess is 1
root = 0001

        10011111   | 1100     <---- root value grown msb first
1        1    <--- initial root value for first loop
        0101  <--- working register after second loop
101      101
1100       011 <--- working register after third loop
11000       1111 <--- working register after fourth loop
            1111  <---- remainder left in working register

The root is "grown" (shifted from right) most significant bit first, based on the pair of input bits being considered. The temp variable holds a function of the previous root (2*(2*root) + 1) and this is compared to the working register. If it is less, than the last bit of root is cleared and 2 more bits of the input are considered. If not, the bit is left as a 1, and temp is subtracted from the working register before considering the next 2 bits of the input.