H. Qualifications and List of Key Personnel

J. Donald Trotter

B.S.E.E. - Mississippi State University, 1960
M.S.E.E. - Stanford University, 1962
Ph.D. - University of Texas, 1970

Professional Experience:

Mississippi State University - Director of Microsystems Prototyping Laboratory (78-present)
Cypress Semiconductor - Founding Director of Southeast Design Center (87-88)
Institute for Technology Development - Founding Director of Microelectronics Design (84-85)
American Micro-Systems, Inc. - Vice-President of Research & Development (71-77)
Autonetics - Project Engineer, Co-ordinator of MOS Technology R & D (65-71)
General Microelectronics, Inc.- Manager of Digital Integrated Circuits (63-65)
Fairchild Camera & Instruments - Project Engineer in Digital Integrated Circuits (62-63)

Related Research Areas:

Dr. Trotter has over sixteen years of industrial experience in integrated circuit design and process R&D (62-77) with three IC patents. Under his direct supervision at least five major IC technologies were developed and transferred to manufacturing along with numerous IC designs. With another sixteen years of academic experience, Dr. Trotter has developed the microelectronics program at MSU into the present Microsystems Prototyping Laboratory within the Engineering Research Center with several contributions to ARPA, e.g., first CMOS datapath design, scalable Design Rules, SCMOS standard cell libraries, accurate characterization and macromodeling of leaf cells, controlled source impedance for low voltage I/O, GDT based VHDL design methodology.

Amount of Expended Effort per Contract Year:

FY1995: 38% FY1996: 38% FY1997: 38% Total:38%

Research Contracts at MSU:

September 1, 1992, 3 years - $117,000: DARPA-Principal Investigator: J. Donald Trotter, Research Training in VHDL Based Microsystem Design."

August 30, 1991, 2.5 years - $1,130,000: DARPA-Principal Investigator: J. Donald Trotter, Design Methodology Enhancements for Embedded Microsystems."

October 1989, 1 year - $80,000: NASA-Lewis-Principal Investigator: J. Donald Trotter, Parallel Applications Research for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Problems."

May 1989, 1 year - $890,000: DARPA-Principal Investigator: J. Donald Trotter, Research in Rapid Prototyping Using VLSI, Phase II."

March 1988, 1 year - $536,500: DARPA-Principal Investigator: J. Donald Trotter, Research in Rapid Prototyping Using VLSI - Phase I."

September 1987 - $5,500,000: US Air Force-Principal Investigators: J. Donald Trotter, Joe Thompson, David Whitfield, The Research Center for Advanced Scientific Computing."

July 1986, 3.5 years - $1,500,000: Dept. of the Army-Principal Investigator: J. Donald Trotter, Development of a Mapped Array Differential Equation Machine for Solution of Partial Differential Equations - MADEM."

December 1984, 1 year - $439,000: Principal Investigator: J. Donald Trotter, Development of the Microelectronics Design Division of The Institute for Technology Development," sponsored by The Institute for Technology Development. Contributions led to the acceptance of MDD/ITD as a viable organization capable of acquiring and executing high technology research projects in Mississippi.

December 1984, 1 year - $51,000: USC Information Sciences Institute/DARPA-Principal Investigator: J. Donald Trotter,Advanced CMOS Technology Studies,"

August 1982, 2 years - $403,000: U. S. Army Research Office/DARPA-Principal Investigator: J. Donald Trotter, Bulk CMOS VLSI Technology Studies," Sponsored by contract DAAG29-82-K-0167.

December 1981, 1 year - $50,000: RCA Corporation, Solid State Division-Principal Investigator: J. Donald Trotter, Design of a Technology Evaluation Test Vehicle."

August 1979, 3 years - $60,000: National Security Agency-Principal Investigator: J. Donald Trotter, Study of Integrated Circuit Devices."

Key Publications and Presentations:

Silicon Foundry Scalable CMOS Design Rules," J. Donald Trotter, Invited Paper presented at the CMOS Workshop, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2, 1983.

Summary of Electromigration Issues," J. Donald Trotter, Wafer Level Reliability Assessment Workshop, Lake Tahoe, CA, October 24-27, 1982.

S.T.A.R. - A Semi-Custom Logic Array," at 1981 Southcon, Digest, January 1981.

VMOS Memory Technology," T. J. Rodgers, et al., in 1977 International Solid State Circuits Conference Digital Technical Papers, Paper 7.4, pp. 74-75, February 1977.

VMOS ROM," T. J. Rodgers, et al., IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Volume SC-11, pp. 614-622, October 1976.

VMOS ROM," T. J. Rodgers, et al., in 1976 IEEE International Solid State Circuits Conference Digital Technical paper, Paper 6.4, pp. 60-61, February 1976.

State of-the-Art in MOS Processing," J. Donald Trotter, Invited Paper presented at the 1975 Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference, San Juan, December 1975.

Applications of Ion Implantation to Semiconductor Processing," J. Donald Trotter, An Invited Tutorial sponsored by the Electron Devices and Reliability groups, S1F, Sections, IEEE, Stanford University, January 11, 1975.

A Comparison of MOS LSI Processes," J. Donald Trotter, Invited paper presented at the IEEE Northeast Electronics Research and Meeting, Boston, October 1972.

MOS Integrated Circuits Save Space and Money," Donald E. Farina and J. Donald Trotter, Electronics, Vol. 38, pp. 84-95, October 4, 1965.

MOS Circuit Design," Donald E. Farina and J. D. Trotter, Short Course at San Jose State, 1965.

Robert B. Reese

B.S.E.E. - Louisiana Tech University, 1979
M.S.E.E. - Texas A&M University, 1982
Ph.D. - Texas A&M University, 1985

Professional Experience:

Mississippi State University -- Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering
Mississippi State University -- Member of Computer Architecture Thrust, NSF Engineering Research Center
MCC - Member of Technical Staff, CAD Program

Related Research Areas:

Since 1988 Dr. Reese has supported FBI engineers in their use of university generated CAD tools and commercial tools for digital system design. The principle CAD tools involved are the Lager and Hyper toolkits from Berkeley, the Vanda and FIRGEN packages from UCLA and the Powerview environment from Viewlogic. Under the direction of Dr. Reese, MSU's support has taken the form of system integration, beta test, distribution and training workshops. Dr. Reese currently directs Rapid Prototyping efforts within the Computer Architecture Thrust at the ERC..

Amount of Expended Effort per Contract Year:

FY1995: 31% FY1996: 31% FY1997: 31% Total:31%

Key Publications and Presentations:

"A Comparison of Asynchronous and Synchronous FSMD Designs", R. J. Auletta, R. Reese, and C. Traver, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Design, October 1993.

Presented one week workshop on "Logic Synthesis" for graduate course at the Instituto Tecnolgico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico, July 5-9, 1993.

"Use of VHDL Synthesis in an Advanced Digital Design Course", Reese, R., Fifth Annual IEEE International ASIC Conference & Exhibit, Rochester, N. Y., Sept 21-25, 1992 (refereed conference).

"Overview of the Lager Toolset", Distinguished Lecturer Series, Electrical Engineering Department, Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright Patterson AFB, May 14, 1992 (invited).

Research Contracts at MSU:

June, 1993, 0.5 years - $58,623: NSF: Robert B. Reese, "A Workshop on the Use of Logic Synthesis in the Classroom", NSF Undergraduate Faculty Enhancement Program.

July, 1992, 3.0 years - $298,040: FBI: Robert B. Reese, Lager Toolset Development."

July, 1991, 1.0 years - $161,885: J-FBI 91-234: Robert B. Reese, Lager Toolset Development."

Sanjay Rekhi

B.S.E.E. - Siddaganga Institute of Technology, 1987
M.S.E.E. - Mississippi State University, 1990

Professional Experience:

Mississippi State University - Research Assistant, NSF Engineering Research Center
Toshiba Electronics - Engineer Trainee

Amount of Expended Effort per Contract Year:

FY1995: 100% FY1996: 100% FY1997: 10% Total: 70%

Key Publications and Presentations:

MSU and Cypress Semiconductor Coalition," MUG-92, 27 Oct, 92, Portland OR.

Layout to Geometry," Sanjay Rekhi, Mississippi Academy of Sciences, February 1992.

Routers in Local Area Networking," Sanjay Rekhi, Electro Magnetic Sciences, Atlanta, GA, October 1991.