Key to Dataflow Modelling:
Concurrent Signal Assignment
-- multiphase clock type phases is ( ph1, ph2, ph3, unknown) -- instruction format for processor type xregs is (ax,bx,cx,dx); type instruction is record ( op : opcodes; src : xregs; dest : xregs; ) -- diagonal microinstruction format type microps is record ( . . . func : ALU_ops . . . ) type word is std_logic_vector ( 0 to REGSIZE-1); signal IR : instruction; signal clock : phases := p1; signal A_bus, B_bus, O_bus : word bus; signal Register_file : array (xregs) of word register; with clock select clock <= ph1 after t3 when ph3, ph2 after t1 when ph1, ph3 after t2 when ph2; p1: block (clock = ph1) begin A_bus <= guarded Register_file ( IR.dest ); B_bus <= guarded Register_file ( IR.src ); end block p1; p2: block (clock = ph2) begin O_bus <= guarded ALU ( A_bus, B_bus, ctl.func); end block p2; p3: block (clock = ph3) begin Register_file (IR.dest) <= guarded O_bus; end block p3;
architecture Dataflow of ALU_slice is begin Cy_out <= ((not Cy_in) and (not M) and ((X and Y and func_sel(3)) nor (X and not Y and func_sel(2)))) nor ((not M) and (not (((not Y) and func_sel(1)) or (Y and func_sel(0)) or X )))) after 20 ns; F <= ((( Y and func_sel(3) and X) nor (X and func_sel(2) and (not Y))) xor (not (((not Y) and func_sel(1)) or (func_sel(0) and Y) or X ))) xor ( (not c1) nand (not M) ) after 20 ns; end ALU_slice;Structural aspects of the design: No explicit connecting signals are used, but the view is still close enough to structure that they could be easily inferred.
Behavioral aspects of the design: The use of the logical operators makes this a formal declaration of behavior at a low level.
After 20 ns provides timing behavior not provided at the same level
in purely structural models.
Another Low Level Dataflow Example
entity rs_latch is
port (set, clear : in
std_logic; q,nq : out std_logic)
assert set = '0'
or clear = '0' -- (else)
report "RS latch inputs both high"
severity Warning;
architecture dataflow of rs_latch is
signal z, nz : std_logic
:= 'X';
nq <= nz;
nz <= z nor set after
10 ns;
q <= z;
z <=
nz nor clear after 10 ns;
The weird order of the statements above is intended to show that the signal assignments do not occur in any order -- just like structural instantiation of components. Execution of a statement is triggered when a signal or variable on the right hand side changes value.
Also note that it is essential to have the internal z and nz signals to be read inside the architecture since q and nq are out signals and cannot be read. If we were to change the port declarations to make them inout it would allow externally driving the q and nq signals back into this module. The function of the circuit would be different!
Also note that there is no notion of clocking implied here either.
This model is only a rough approximation of physical inertial delay since a signal assignment is susceptible to removal all the way up to the after delay time. But "after delay" is much like propagation delay, while inertial delay periods typically represent input behavior -- independent and frequently shorter.
Inertial delay is the default model used in VHDL for signal assignment.
Y <= X after T ;
Example: a <= '0', '1' after 4 ns; b <= '1', '0' after 5 ns; y <= a xor b after 10 ns;When a becomes '1' after 4 ns, a xor b is evaluated, and y is scheduled to go to '0' at 14 ns. However, when b <= '0' at 5 ns, a xor b is evaluated again, and the y <= '0' @ 14ns is removed before the y <= '1' is scheduled @ 15ns.
Y <= transport X
after T ;
Example: a <= '0', '1' after 4 ns; b <= '1', '0' after 5 ns; y <= transport a xor b after 10 ns;When a becomes '1' after 4 ns, a xor b is evaluated, and y is scheduled to go to '0' at 14 ns. However, when b <= '0' at 5 ns, a xor b is evaluated again and the y <= '1' is scheduled @ 15ns.
The 1 ns of y being '0' is not removed.
Example: The following is useful to test the RS_latch:
Clear_Pattern <= '0', --
1 0
-- no change at 20 ns
0 0
'1' after 40 ns,
-- 0
'0' after 60 ns,
-- 0
'1' after 80 ns;
-- 1
Rev. 2/20/98 B. Huey