Lab #2: Combinational Logic Synthesis
- To learn how variations in the partitioning of VHDL designs
may influence optimizations performed by synthesis tools.
- To learn how to control optimization of the design to the
level of design objects.
- To gain an appreciation of tradeoffs between area, performance
of the design, and the amount of effort required by the synthesis
tool required to achieve the optimizations.
- Create a design entity for an eight function logic unit with
- Vector inputs X and Y.
- A three bit function selector input Fselect(0 to 2)
- Vector output Z
- Positive edge clocking.
- The unit is to be N-bits wide, with the X, Y, Z attributes
being consistent and defining the width. Include assertions to
check that the attributes correspond.
- Use only concurrent VHDL constructs to write an architecture
to implement the following functions:
000 Z <= X
001 Z <= not X
010 Z <= X and Y
011 Z <= X nand Y
100 Z <= X or Y
101 Z <= X nor Y
110 Z <= X xor Y
111 Z <= X xnor Y
There is to be an accumulator register to receive the result
of the function computation that drives the output Z.
- Instantiate the design with a register width of 4, and simulate
the design to verify that is works correctly. Include generics
specifying values for gate and register delay for simulation purposes.
- Synthesize the design with opt area -low and again
with opt area -high. How much benefit is there in going
to the higher level of optimization effort?
- Rewrite the design as follows: Create a one-bit slice as a
separate entity, and instantiate it N times in a FOR-GENERATE
statement in the higher level architecture.
- Synthesize the design from step 5 with opt area -low and
again with opt area -high. How much benefit is there in
going to the higher level of optimization effort?
- Find a way to get the synthesis tool to re-synthesize the
design so that the Fselect signals are decoded into enable signals
that drive tristate outputs from the functions instead of a final
stage multiplexor.
- Note that Fselect(2) controls the inversion of function values
(100 = OR, 101=NOR, etc.). Has the synthesis automatically optimized
to take advantage of this? If not, modify the design to make this
- For each VHDL description produced, include
- a listing of the compiled design,
- output of simulation that verifies the design is correct,
- For each synthesis performed, include
- a synthesis report that includes area hierarchical and summary
- a gate level schematic generated from the netlist.
- Provide a discussion of the results from each step.
Copyright 1997, Ben M. Huey
Copying this document without the permission of the author is
prohibited and a violation of international copyright laws.
Rev. 2/25/97 B. Huey