Advanced VHDL:

VHDL for Design and Modeling Applications

Zainalabedin Navabi

Boston, Massachusetts


Zainalabedin Navabi
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Northeastern University
409 Dana Research Building
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
Fax: 617-373-8970; Tel: 617-373-3034


  • Outline

  • Program

  • Copyright

  • Material

  • Schedule

  • Conclusions

  • Outline.program

    Beginning VHDL: An Introduction to Language Concepts

    Advanced VHDL: VHDL for Design and Modeling Applications

    Advanced Design: CPU Design and Synthesis with VHDL

    Preparation: Participants are to be prepared for this unit by reading the Introductory Tutorial that is included in this training package.

    Program: This unit is the second unit in a series of three units. The unit is to be taught in 14 hours.

    Prerequisites: A general knowledge of VHDL is required as a prerequisite of this unit. Also, knowledge of digital systems and logic design is necessary.

    Objectives: Participants in this training will learn to design and model in VHDL. Details of language for advanced modeling requirements will be discussed. All language constructs will be covered.


    This material is to be used in conjunction with the book titled: "VHDL: Analysis and Modeling of Digital Systems", McGraw-Hill 1993, by Zainalabedin Navabi. ISBN: 0-07-046472-3

    The right to copy and distribute this material in a training course is restricted and it is reserved for Zainalabedin Navabi.


    Course material contains:

    "VHDL: Analysis and Modeling of Digital Systems"
    Introductory tutorial
    A set of 300 transparency copies
    A set of 6 quizzes


    Part 1: Outline
    30 minutes

    Part 2: Review
    1 hour

    Part 3: VHDL Timing
    1 hour

    Part 4: Structural
    1 hour

    Part 5: Design Organization
    1 hour

    Part 6: Utilities
    1 hour

    Part 7: Dataflow
    1 hour

    Part 8: Behavioral_Descriptions
    1 hour

    Part 9: Standards
    1 hour

    Outline. conclusions

    1. Outline: Introduction, Organization, Outline

    2. Review: Behavioral description, Using process statements, Top-down design, Using available components, Wiring predefined components, Wiring from bottom to top, Generation of testbench data, Using procedures

    3. VHDL_Timing: Modeling requirements, Objects & classes, Signals & variables, Concurrent & sequential assignments, Events, transactions & delta delays, Delay modeling, Sequential placement of transactions, Conventions

    4. Structural_Description_of_Hardware: Wiring parts into larger designs, Start with primitives, Wire gates into general purpose components, Use iterative constructs, Generate testbenches, Show binding alternatives, Use gate-based components for a larger design

    5. Design_Organization: Subprograms, Packaging, Parameter specification, Parametrization, Top level configuration, Design libraries, A complete example

    6. Utilities_for_high_level_descriptions: Language aspects, Types, Over loading subprograms operators, Predefined Attributes, User defined attributes

    7. Dataflow: Constructs for dataflow descriptions, Multiplexing and clocking, Multiple assignments, State machines, Open collector gates, A complete dataflow example, Load dependent timing

    8. Behavioral_Descriptions: Constructs for sequential descriptions, Assertion for behavioral checks, Handshaking constructs, Timing control, Formatted I/O, MSI parts, A complete MSI based design

    9. STANDARDS: MVL9: logic value system, Logic type, Operators, Conversions; VHDL'93: Operators, Delay model, Instantiation, Binding, Attributes, Signal assignments, Report, Postponed process

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