-- Model Name : Synthesizable Dataflow - Shifter -- Author : Zainalabedin Navabi -- Last Updated : 09 / 15 / 1996 -- This document is © copyrighted by the Author.
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
USE EXEMPLAR.exemplar_1164.ALL;
LIBRARY parwan_s;
USE parwan_s.synthesis_parameters.ALL;
USE parwan_s.synthesis_utilities.ALL;
ENTITY shifter_unit IS
    PORT (alu_side : IN byte; arith_shift_left, arith_shift_right : IN std_logic;
      in_flags : IN nibble; obus_side : OUT byte; out_flags : OUT nibble);
END shifter_unit;
ARCHITECTURE synthesizable_behavioral OF shifter_unit IS
    coding: PROCESS (alu_side, arith_shift_left, arith_shift_right, in_flags)
      VARIABLE t : std_logic_vector (7 DOWNTO 0);
      VARIABLE v, c, z, n : std_logic; --in_flags 3210
      IF arith_shift_left = '1' THEN
        t := alu_side (6 DOWNTO 0) & '0';
        n := t (7);
        z := NOT all_or (t);
        c := alu_side (7);
        v := alu_side (6) XOR alu_side (7);
      ELSIF arith_shift_right = '1' THEN
        t := alu_side (7) & alu_side (7 DOWNTO 1);
        n := t (7);
        z := NOT all_or (t);
        c := in_flags(2);
        v := in_flags(3);
      ELSE -- none are '1'
        t := alu_side (7 DOWNTO 0);
        n := in_flags(0);
        z := in_flags(1);
        c := in_flags(2);
        v := in_flags(3);
      END IF;
      obus_side <= t;
      out_flags <= v & c & z & n;
    END PROCESS coding;
END synthesizable_behavioral;