1. Write a parallel to serial p2s interface adapter that receives 8-bit parallel data and converts it to serial data with RS232 standard. Use the handshaking used for the s2p example used in this chapter.
    2. Write a DMA controller for outputting data. The CPU writes the size of the block of data and its starting address to the DMA controller registers. After the transfer of data is started the data read from the memory will be transferred to the outputting device using handshaking signals similar to those used with the DMA controller of this chapter.
    3. Interface the p2s of Prob. 1 using the DMA controller of Prob. 2 to Parwan CPU. Use an arbiter and a decoder.
    4. Modify the VHDL description of the cache controller presented in this chapter to a 4-way cache. Use LRU replacement scheme.
    5. Redo Prob. 11.4 using a random replacement scheme.