1. Objects and Classes :

  • Signals for hardware carriers
  • Variables as temporary carriers
  • Constants for fixed parameters
  • A signal is an object whose class is signal


2. Signals and Variables :

  • Signal assignments have a time component
  • x_sig <= value AFTER 6 NS;


3. Concurrent and Sequential Assignments :

  • val2 and val3 are sequentially placed on z_sig
  • Assignment of a_sig to y_sig is done:
  • in the concurrent body, when event occurs on a_sig
  • in the sequential body, when program flow reaches it


4. Events, Transactions and Delta_delays :

  • A signal assignment causes the placement of a transactionon the driver of the left hand side signal
    Transaction Representation: (value , time)

  • A transaction has a value and a time component
  • The time component of a transaction continuously decreases
  • Transaction is expired when its time component reaches 0
  • A signal receives value when a transaction on its driver expires

Events, Transactions and Delta_delays:

    ARCHITECTURE concurrent OF timing_demo IS SIGNAL a, b, c : BIT := '0'; BEGIN a <= '1'; b <= NOT a; c <= NOT b; END concurrent;

  • Another delta example
  • Zero real time is spent from change on a until cstabilizes

Events, Transactions and Delta_delays

    x <= y; y <= NOT x;

  • An interesting example
  • Assignments model zero delay inverter/buffer connection
  • Oscillation continues forever in zero real time


Resolution Functions


1. Multiple Assignment :

    USE WORK.basic_utilities.ALL; -- FROM PACKAGE USE: TYPE qit IS ('0', '1', 'Z', 'X'); ENTITY y_circuit IS PORT (a, b, c, d : IN qit; z : OUT qit); END y_circuit; -- ARCHITECTURE smoke_generator OF y_circuit IS SIGNAL circuit_node : qit; BEGIN circuit_node <= a; circuit_node <= b; circuit_node <= c; circuit_node <= d; z <= circuit_node; END smoke_generator;

  • Normally several sources cannot drive a signal
  • Real circuits smoke

Multiple Assignments

  • Multiple drivers is possible only if a resolution exists
  • Example in hardware is "open collector"
  • Pull_up provides resolution
  • A convenient symbol is shown

Multiple Assignments

    -- FROM basic_utilities USE qit, qit_vector, "AND" FUNCTION anding ( drivers : qit_vector) RETURN qit IS VARIABLE accumulate : qit := '1'; BEGIN FOR i IN drivers'RANGE LOOP accumulate := accumulate AND drivers(i); END LOOP; RETURN accumulate; END anding;

  • VHDL uses resolution functions
  • Resolving multiple values to a single value
  • Function parameter must be vector of its return type
  • All drivers are checked

Multiple Assignments

    USE WORK.basic_utilities.ALL; -- FROM PACKAGE USE: qit ARCHITECTURE wired_and OF y_circuit IS FUNCTION anding ( drivers : qit_vector) RETURN qit IS VARIABLE accumulate : qit := '1'; BEGIN FOR i IN drivers'RANGE LOOP accumulate := accumulate AND drivers(i); END LOOP; RETURN accumulate; END anding; SIGNAL circuit_node : anding qit; BEGIN circuit_node <= a; circuit_node <= b; circuit_node <= c; circuit_node <= d; z <= circuit_node; END wired_and;

  • Specify anding for the resolution on circuit_node
  • Type of circuit_node is a subtype of qit
  • ANDing simultaneously receives all drivers


2. Wire Resolution :

  FUNCTION wire (a, b : qit) RETURN qit IS
    CONSTANT qit_wire_table : qit_2d := (
    RETURN qit_wire_table (a, b);
  END wire;

  FUNCTION wiring ( drivers : qit_vector) RETURN qit IS
    VARIABLE accumulate : qit := 'Z';  -- wire value with no drivers  
    FOR i IN drivers'RANGE LOOP
      accumulate := wire (accumulate, drivers(i));
    RETURN accumulate;
  END wiring;

  FUNCTION wiring ( drivers : qit_vector) RETURN qit;
  SUBTYPE wired_qit IS wiring qit;
  TYPE wired_qit_vector IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF wired_qit;

  • A complete resolution for wiring


3. Three State Modeling :

    bi : BLOCK (si = '1' OR si = 'z') BEGIN t <= GUARDED ii; END BLOCK; . . .

  • A mux made of pass transistors
  • Each ii connects to t if si is '1'
  • ii is disconnected from t if si is '0'

Three State Modeling

    USE WORK.basic_utilities.ALL; -- FROM PACKAGE USE: wired_qit ARCHITECTURE multiple_guarded_assignments OF mux_8_to_1 IS SIGNAL t : wiring qit BUS; BEGIN b7: BLOCK (s7 = '1' OR s7 = 'Z') BEGIN t <= GUARDED i7; END BLOCK; b6: BLOCK (s6 = '1' OR s6 = 'Z') BEGIN t <= GUARDED i6; END BLOCK; b5: BLOCK (s5 = '1' OR s5 = 'Z') BEGIN t <= GUARDED i5; END BLOCK; b4: BLOCK (s4 = '1' OR s4 = 'Z') BEGIN t <= GUARDED i4; END BLOCK; b3: BLOCK (s3 = '1' OR s3 = 'Z') BEGIN t <= GUARDED i3; END BLOCK; b2: BLOCK (s2 = '1' OR s2 = 'Z') BEGIN t <= GUARDED i2; END BLOCK; b1: BLOCK (s1 = '1' OR s1 = 'Z') BEGIN t <= GUARDED i1; END BLOCK; b0: BLOCK (s0 = '1' OR s0 = 'Z') BEGIN t <= GUARDED i0; END BLOCK; z <= t; END multiple_guarded_assignments;

  • Disconnection is realized by block statements
  • If all drivers are disconnected
Real hardware returns to 'Z'
Use BUS to implement this behavior
  • Default in wire is 'Z'
  • This default is used if wiring is called with null
  • Last disconnection causes call to wiring with Null


5. Signal Kind :

    USE WORK.basic_utilities.ALL; -- FROM PACKAGE USE : qit, qit_vector, wired_qit ENTITY mux_n_to_1 IS PORT (i, s : IN qit_vector; z : OUT wired_qit BUS); END mux_n_to_1; -- ARCHITECTURE multiple_guarded_assignments OF mux_n_to_1 IS BEGIN bi: FOR j IN i'RANGE GENERATE bj: BLOCK (s(j) = '1' OR s(j) = 'Z') BEGIN z <= GUARDED i(j); END BLOCK; END GENERATE; END multiple_guarded_assignments;

  • A useful unconstrained multiplexer
  • Will know size when instantiated