// Arithmatic Logic Unit for D40 ( 4 bit Simple Microprocessor )
// Words Length : 4 bit
// Functionality : transfer
//               : increment
//               : decrement
//               : add
//               : add with carry
//               : substract
//               : substract with borrow
//               : and
//               : or
//               : xor
//               : shift
//               : rotate
// Date : 97/12/01 (Mon)
// Author : tootsuka@de.tokyo-ct.ac.jp

module alu(a,b,cin,alu,carry,zero,ctl);

  input [3:0] a,b;         // port A,B
  input  cin ;             // carry input from carry flag register
  output [3:0] alu;        // the result
  output carry;            // carry output
  output zero ;            // zero output
  input [3:0] ctl ;        // functionality control for ALU
  wire [4:0] result;       // ALU result

  assign result = alu_out(a,b,cin,ctl);
  assign alu    = result[3:0];
  assign carry  = result[4] ;
  assign zero   = z_flag(result) ;

  function [4:0] alu_out;
    input  [3:0] a,b ;
    input        cin ;
    input  [3:0] ctl ;
    case ( ctl )
        4'b0000: alu_out=b;                  // select data on port B
        4'b0001: alu_out=b+4'b0001 ;         // increment data on port B
        4'b0010: alu_out=b-4'b0001 ;         // decrement data on port B
        4'b0011: alu_out=a+b;                // ADD without CARRY
        4'b0100: alu_out=a+b+cin;            // ADD with CARRY
        4'b0101: alu_out=a-b ;               // SUB without BORROW
        4'b0110: alu_out=a-b+(~cin);         // SUB with BORROW
        4'b0111: alu_out=a&b;                // AND
        4'b1000: alu_out=a|b;                // OR
        4'b1001: alu_out=a^b;                // EXOR
        4'b1010: alu_out={b[3:0],1'b0};      // Shift Left
        4'b1011: alu_out={b[0],1'b0,b[3:1]}; // Shift Right
        4'b1100: alu_out={b[3:0],cin};       // Rotate Left
        4'b1101: alu_out={b[0],cin,b[3:1]};  // Rotate Right
          default : begin 
                        $display("Illegal CTL detected!!"); 
      endcase  /* {...,...,...} is for the concatenation.
                  {ADD_WITH_CARRY,SUB_WITH_BORROW}==2'b11 is used
                  to force the CARRY==1 for the increment operation */   
    endfunction // end of function "result" 

   function z_flag ;
   input [4:0] a4 ;
       z_flag = ^(a4[0]|a4[1]|a4[2]|a4[3]) ; // zero flag check for a4
