-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- RTPC CPU Benchmark : -- Documentation Readme file -- -- Derived from -- ROMP description written in verilog by Edward Czeck et al. -- Most likely based on the IBM RT-PC Hardware Technical -- Reference (c) 1985 (for RT PC model 10, 20, and 25) -- -- Authors: -- Alfred B. Thordarson (abth@ece.uci.edu) -- and -- Nikil Dutt, professor of CS and ECE -- University Of California, Irvine, CA 92717 -- -- Changes: -- Dec 1, 1993: File created by Alfred B. Thordarson -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS DIRECTORY HOLDS THE FOLLOWING FILES: ======================================== README This file rtpc.doc Documentation of the model demo.asm Demo Program used in documentation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIZE OF THIS BENCHMARK: ======================= 1612 lines in Rasm-assembly-files 436 lines in C-source-files 3541 lines in VHDL-source-files 1057 lines in Documentation-files 194 lines in Control-files (makefile, cmd.inc and rasm.instr) ---- 6840 lines total for RTPC-Benchmark + 1 file of demo.asm (which is used in rtpc.doc)