-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- RTPC CPU Benchmark : -- Readme file -- -- Derived from -- ROMP description written in verilog by Edward Czeck et al. -- Most likely based on the IBM RT-PC Hardware Technical -- Reference (c) 1985 (for RT PC model 10, 20, and 25) -- -- Authors: -- Alfred B. Thordarson (abth@ece.uci.edu) -- and -- Nikil Dutt, professor of CS and ECE -- University Of California, Irvine, CA 92717 -- -- Changes: -- Dec 1, 1993: File created by Alfred B. Thordarson -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS DIRECTORY HOLDS THE FOLLOWING FILES: ======================================== README This file .synopsys_... Setup for synopsys doc Documentation directory makefile Makefile for make-utility (created with simdepends of SYNOPSYS) (You can substitute your own VHDL simulator's compilation commands) cmd.inc Input file for vhdlsim (of SYNOPSYS) program Control and program to be executed by the model valid_ari.asm Vectors to validate part of the RTPC-instruction set valid_jmp.asm -"- valid_log.asm -"- valid_mem.asm -"- valid_mov.asm -"- valid_msd.asm -"- valid_trp.asm -"- lib.vhd Package-file control.vhd VHDL models for blocks of the schematic memory.vhd -"- rtpc.vhd -"- system.vhd -"- dump.asserts Assertation encountered while simulating dump.errors Errors in memory comparisons dump.memory Memory contents instructed to be dumped dump.registers Registers and condition-codes after running rasm A simple assembler for the RTPC-model rasm.c The C-code for the rasm-program rasm.instr Available mnemonics, dec-opcodes, assembly-formats and byte description for the assembler. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO RUN THE TESTING SYSTEM ON SYNOPSYS-SIMULATOR: ====================================================== (i) If the make-utility is available you can compile the Pre-defined package file and the VHDL-models simply by giving the command: "make" Then go to step (iii). If the make-utility is not available you should compile the packages as step (ii) explains. (ii) Compile the Pre-defined package file and the VHDL models by typing "vhdlan lib.vhd" "vhdlan control.vhd" "vhdlan rtpc.vhd" "vhdlan memory.vhd" "vhdlan system.vhd" (iii) Compile the RTPC-assembler by typing "cc -o rasm rasm.c" (iv) Choose a program to run on the model, lets say "validate.asm". You assemble the file to the "program"-file by typing "rasm validate.asm" (v) Run the simulation by typing "vhdlsim -i cmd.inc system_cfg". The simulation output will appear in the "dump.*"-files. If there are any errors in simulation, "Assert" statements will appear in "dump.asserts", mentioning the error.