This benchmark describes a chip used for monitoring heart-rate in ECG applications. Its called the QRS chip, since it detects some points called Q-R-S points in the ECG data stream. Three different descriptions of the same chip are given, one algorithmic, one in hte form of a state machine, and another simply called the system description. The authors claim that the same functionality is expressed by all three descriotions, and this has been confirmed after extensive simulation. However, there is no english or other hi-level description of what exactly that functionality is. It is obviously quite a computation-intensive algorithm, as is evident form the VHDL code. Some suitable hi-level description, in English for instance, is necessary. For simulation, they have included a stimulation file as well as two files with input data. A file that contains the correct expected output is also included. However, instructions on how to compare the obtained output of simulation and the expected output are not included. The output file that I obtained from running the simulator has less than 5000 lines, while the reference file contains about 8,500 lines.