-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Prawn CPU Benchmark : README -- -- Derived from -- Parwan : a reduced processor -- from Chapter 9 of NAVABI : "VHDL: Analysis and Modeling of -- Digital Systems" McGraw-Hill,Inc. 1993 -- -- Author: Tadatoshi Ishii -- Information and Computer Science, -- University Of California, Irvine, CA 92717 -- -- Developed on Nov 1, 1992 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS DIRECTORY HAS THE FOLLOWING FILES : prawn.doc : This file contains a brief description of the Prawn CPU, and the testing strategy for the VHDL model. cpu.vhdl : This file contains VHDL model of Prawn CPU. types.vhdl : This file contains some VHDL types and functions used in the models. These are the public domain MVL7 functions. MVL7_functions.vhdl : This file contains some VHDL functions used in the models. lib.vhdl : This file contains some VHDL constants, subtypes, and functions used in the models. tst*.vhdl : These files contain the VHDL (translated) test vectors for the models of Prawn. The test vectors are contents of memory inside a VHDL process. mem.vhdl : This file is a copy of one of "tst*.vhdl" files used in current simulation. sim.vhdl : In order to simulate Prawn CPU on any simulator, the CPU model and memory model for test are instantiated in this file as a component. cmd.i : This is a command file used by the ZYCAD simulator ( Version 1.0a) while running the test vectors on any of the models. Makefile : This file contains the command for "make" command which is used to execute the analysis and simulation with the ZYCAD VHDL Simulator. (You can substitute your own VHDL simulator's respective compilation commands.) ****************************************************************************** RUNNING THE TEST VECTORS ON THE MODELS USING THE ZYCAD SIMULATOR: ****************************************************************************** **** Running whole set of test_vectors on the Prawn CPU **** If you do not make your own test vectors, start from 3) 1) Make your memory model file "tst*.vhdl" 2) Edit Makefile to add the code for "tst*.vhdl" which you made. 3) "make" 4) The simulation results will be moved in a file called "tst*.rst", if you edit Makefile correctly. If there is no error, "Assert" statements will appear in this file with ERROR level, mentioning the simulation is done successfully. If there are any errors, "Assert" statements will appear in this file with FAILURE level and/or NOTE level, mentioning which check point found the error.