--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Floating Point Multiplier: README FILE Developed on Mar 23, 1994 by : Jesse Pan, Univ. of Calif. , Irvine, CA 92717 jpan@ece.uci.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS DIRECTORY HAS THE FOLLOWING FILES : FP_mult.doc : This file contains a brief description of the Floating Point Multiplier. FP_mult.vhd : This is the main control file of the Floating Point Multiplier that models its behavior. m_b2vhdl : This is the executable file produced upon compiling mtrans.c. It translates "bit_format" vectors into VHDL. test.doc : This file contains a brief description of the testing strategy used in simulating the Floating Point Multiplier. test.vhd : This file contains the VHDL (translated) test vectors for the Floating Point Multiplier model. In order to simulate it on the Synopsys (Version 3.0a- 10052) simulator, the model(FP_mult.vhd) is instantiated in this file as a component. The test vectors are sequence of statements, in a process block, assert test vectors to the floating point multiplier unit. mtrans.c : This is a C program that will translate test vectors from "bit_format" to VHDL. tvector.bits : This file contains "bit_format" test vectors for the Floating Point Multiplier model. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****************************************************************************** RUNNING THE TEST VECTORS ON THE MODELS USING THE SYNOPSYS SIMULATOR: Synopsys Version 3.0a ****************************************************************************** **** Running test_vectors on the Floating Point Multiplier **** To simulate the Floating Point Multiplier model: (i) Compile the FP_mult.vhd file by typing "vhdlan FP_mult.vhd" (ii) If the tvector.bits file is not up to date, type "m_b2vhdl tvector.bits test.vhd", where test.vhd will be the translated VHDL file (iii) Compile the test.vhd file by typing "vhdlan test.vhd" (iv) Simulate the process using Synopsys debugger typing "vhdldbx ATEST__TEST1"