-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BENCHMARK : Radix-512 Divider Developed on Jan 28, 1994 by : Alberto Nannarelli Univ. of Calif. , Irvine. e-mail : anannare.ece.uci.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS DIRECTORY HAS THE FOLLOWING FILES : README : The file you are reading. radix512.doc : This file contains a brief description of the division algorithm. radix512.vhdl : This file contains the VHDL model of the divisor pack.vhdl : This file contains VHDL functions test_vectors.vhdl : This file contains the VHDL test vectors for the model above. test_vectors.doc : This file contains the description of the testing scheme cmd.inc : This is a command file used by the SYNOPSYS simulator makefile : This is a makefile file to compile the VHDL model. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****************************************************************************** RUNNING THE TEST VECTORS ON THE MODELS USING THE SYNOPSYS SIMULATOR: ****************************************************************************** For example, let us try to run the test vectors on the model contained in file "radix512.vhdl". This is a model of the whole chip. - Compile the VHDL package by typing " make " - Run the simulation typing " vhdlsim -t ns -i cmd.inc E ". The simulation output will appear in a file called "run.out". If there are any errors in simulation, "Assert" statements will appear in this file, mentioning the port at which the error occurred and the expected value.