The authors have not provided a hi-level description for this benchmark in the form of say, an English description. I have written the barcode algorithm below in pseudo-code, based on its VHDL description. However, I have no way of making sure that this description matches the original hi level description, since its not available. The algorithm consists of reading in the bits that come in on scanning a barcode of black and white stripes, and recording the width of the stripes. Everytime there is a transition from one color of stripe to another (whether black->white or vice cersa), it is recorded in a single counter. There is a memory to which results are written, the addresses in the memory corresonding to the number of transitions encountered. Even though results are written to memory everytime two consecutive bits corresponding to the same color appear at the input, the locations eventually hold the width of the stripe encountered prior to that transition. See algorithm below and the postscript file "". _____________________ PSEUDO-CODE FOR THE BARCODE ALGORITHM__________________ Explanation of variables used: * white_width is the width of current white stripe. Initially = 0. * black_width is the width of current black stripe. Initially = 0. * transitions is the number of transitions (bl/wh or wh/bl) encountered in the code so far. Initially = 0. * data is the value to be written to memory if enable to memory is 1, at the address "address". BEGIN outer loop: spin till (clk = 1 and start = 1); loop one: spin till (clk = 1 and scan = 1); loop two: read the new video bit; if (new_bit = wh) wait till (clk = 1); ++white_width; if (previous_bit = bl) ++transitions; enable write to memory; else disable write to memory; end if; data = white_width; black_width = 0; previous_bit = wh; else wait till (clk = 1); ++black_width; if (previous_bit = wh) ++transitions; enable write to memory; else disable write to memory; data = black_width; white_width = 0; previous_bit = bl; end if; mem_address = transitions; if (white_width = 255 or black_width = 255) exit loop two; end if; end of loop two; if (transitions = total_num and white = 255) exit loop one; end if; end of loop one; wait till start = 0; end of outer loop; END ________________________________________________________________________ Note that owing to the "wait till (clk = 1)", the change in the variables white_width and blak_width is not reflected till a clock cycle after reading the value of the new bit. I am not familiar with the way barcodes are interpreted, and the algorithm being implemented in barcode.vhdl is unknown to me. I think a hi-level description of how the barcodes are interpreted must be included in this benchmark. Also, the VHDL code describing it is not commented at all, so is not easy to understand the algorithm from this either. I am not able to comment on the completeness of the tests because I am not familiar with the algorithm being tested. However, the results I got on simulation are the same as the authors expect in the postscript output file, which is a snapshot of the simulation output over a small window.