BARCODE Benchmark for High-Level Synthesis ========================================== Michael Pilsl, Siemens AG, Munich, Germany ( Subhrajit Bhattacharya, Duke University, Durham, NC (, Franc Brglez, MCNC, Research Triangle Park, NC ( This directory contains the design files for the BARCODE chip. The barcode chip is part of a circuit for reading barcodes at shops. A description of the files included in this directory follows. - "pseudo_code" a file that contains the description of the barcode algorithm in pseudo-code. Note that this pseudo-code was not developed from the hi-level specification of the barcode algorithm, but was extracted from the VHDL source for readibilty. The closeness of the description to the specification can only be determined after acquiring the specification, which is for some reason not included. - "barcode.vhdl" contains the vhdl description of the function of the chip. - "barcode_stim.vhdl" contains the vhdl description needed for (partial) simulation of the design. - "" this file is a more english like description of the inputs and the way the outputs change with the inputs. A ".I" indicates an input and a ".O" indicates an output. It should be noted that in several places one has been asked "to iterate till ..." . Given the VHDL description without any IO constraints, one will come up with schedules which needs different number of clock ticks (time steps) to do the same sequence of operations. We have tried to impose the minimum amount of constraint by asking "to iterate till ...". We suggest one go through their implementation of the schedule till the outputs reach the values specified. If the specified values are not reached, there is a bug somewhere. Additional information about this benchmark and a new data point at register-, gate- and transistor-level for this design can be obtained from Subhrajit Bhattacharya, Franc Brglez and Michael Pilsl, "Synthesis for Testability from Behavioral Specifications: Benchmarking the Scheduling Strategies", MCNC Technical Report, June 1993.