-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- AM2901 Benchmark output_shifter -- -- Source: AMD data book -- -- VHDL Benchmark author Indraneel Ghosh -- University Of California, Irvine, CA 92717 -- -- Developed on Jan 1, 1992 -- -- Verification Information: -- -- Verified By whom? Date Simulator -- -------- ------------ -------- ------------ -- Syntax yes Champaka Ramachandran Sept 17, 92 ZYCAD -- Functionality yes Champaka Ramachandran Sept 17, 92 ZYCAD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --library ZYCAD; use work.TYPES.all; use work.MVL7_functions.all; entity output_and_shifter is port ( I : in MVL7_vector(8 downto 0); A, F, Q : in MVL7_vector(3 downto 0); OEbar : in MVL7; Y : out MVL7_vector(3 downto 0); RAM0, RAM3, Q0, Q3 : out MVL7 ); end output_and_shifter; architecture output_and_shifter of output_and_shifter is begin -- GENERATE DATA OUTPUT "Y" Y <= A when (( I(8 downto 6) = "010") and ( OEbar = '0')) else F when (not(( I(8 downto 6) = "010")) and ( OEbar = '0')) else "ZZZZ"; -- GENERATE BIDIRECTIONAL SHIFTER SIGNALS. RAM0 <= F(0) when ( I(8) = '1') and ( I(7) = '0' ) else 'Z'; RAM3 <= F(3) when ( I(8) = '1') and ( I(7) = '1' ) else 'Z'; Q3 <= Q(3) when ( I(8) = '1') and ( I(7) = '1') else 'Z'; Q0 <= Q(0) when ( I(8) = '1') and ( I(7) = '0') else 'Z'; end output_and_shifter; ------------------------------------------------