************************************************************************* AnaVHDL: A MIXED-SIGNAL CIRCUIT-LEVEL VHDL SIMULATOR Center for Digital Systems Engineering Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Cincinnati Cincinnati OH 45221 (C) University of Cincinnati, 1993 All Rights Reserved ************************************************************************* Users Guide =========== Introduction ------------ The AnaVHDL simulator is VHDL simulation extended with VHDL packages to simulate analog circuits described in the SPICE 2G6 format. The full VHDL digital simulation capablility is available, and all non-dependent passive components and MOS transistor (both level 1 and 2) are available. Approach -------- The designer partitions the mixed-signal circuit into analog circuits and digital circuits. The only restriction is that analog circuits cannot directly interface with each other. That is, an analog output cannot also be an input of another analog circuit. Each analog circuit is then coded as a separate SPICE file. The digital circuits are all coded in VHDL in the standard way. The designer then inserts a call to the D2A and A2D type transformation functions at all interfaces between analog and digital circuits to convert current or voltage waveforms to discrete digital levels. Procedure --------- To create and run a mixed-signal simulation (using the MCC VHDL simulator): 1. Copy all files from the src directory to your working directory. 2. Put the SPICE descriptions of the analog circuits in separate files with the specific names "INPUT.TEXTIO1", INPUT.TEXTIO2"... 3. Create your VHDL description including "USE" references to packages cimpute_pack.vhdl, io_pack.vhdl, interface_pack.vhdl, A2D.vhdl, and D2A.vhdl. Insert calls to A2D and D2A as appropriate to interface analog and digital signals. See the examples for more detail on creating your VHDL code. 4. Analyze all the VHDL files on MCC VHDL simulator using the command: va -v compute_pack.vhdl io_pack.vhdl interface_pack.vhdl A2D.vhdl D2A.vhdl ... where- file1, file2...top_file : The vhdl heirarchical VHDL descriptions of digital circuits under test. v : Creates object files for use by the MCC VIDEO debugger. 5. Simulate the circuit using the following MCC simulator command : vs -R res work.entity where- R res : Res is the resolution limit for simulation which is one of fs, ps, ns, us, ms, ... work.entity: The name of the top-level library file to be simulated. "entity" is the top level entity name. Note : There are Makefiles in the directory "examples". Users can use this as a template to create their own makefiles. ===============================================================================