package body ®element_type_simple_name½_ordered_collection_adt is function new_ordered_collection return ordered_collection is variable result : ordered_collection := new ordered_collection_object; begin result.next_element := result; result.prev_element := result; return result; end function new_ordered_collection; procedure insert ( c : inout ordered_collection; e : in element_type ) is variable current_element : ordered_collection := c.next_element; variable new_element : ordered_collection; begin while current_element /= c and key_of(current_element.element) < key_of(e) loop current_element := current_element.next_element; end loop; -- insert new element before current_element new_element := new ordered_collection_object'( element => e, next_element => current_element, prev_element => current_element.prev_element ); new_element.next_element.prev_element := new_element; new_element.prev_element.next_element := new_element; end procedure insert; procedure get_element ( variable p : in position; e : out element_type ) is begin e := p.current_element.element; end procedure get_element; procedure test_null_position ( variable p : in position; is_null : out boolean ) is begin is_null := p.current_element = p.the_collection; end procedure test_null_position; procedure search ( variable c : in ordered_collection; k : in key_type; p : out position ) is variable current_element : ordered_collection := c.next_element; begin while current_element /= c and key_of(current_element.element) < k loop current_element := current_element.next_element; end loop; if current_element = c or k < key_of(current_element.element) then p := new position_object'(c, c); -- null position else p := new position_object'(c, current_element); end if; end procedure search; procedure find_first ( variable c : in ordered_collection; p : out position ) is begin p := new position_object'(c, c.next_element); end procedure find_first; procedure advance ( p : inout position ) is variable is_null : boolean; begin test_null_position(p, is_null); if not is_null then p.current_element := p.current_element.next_element; end if; end procedure advance; procedure delete ( p : inout position ) is variable is_null : boolean; begin test_null_position(p, is_null); if not is_null then p.current_element.next_element.prev_element := p.current_element.prev_element; p.current_element.prev_element.next_element := p.current_element.next_element; p.current_element := p.current_element.next_element; end if; end procedure delete; end package body ®element_type_simple_name½_ordered_collection_adt;