package ®element_type_simple_name˝_ordered_collection_adt is -- template: fill in the placeholders to specialize for a particular type alias element_type is ®element_type˝; alias key_type is ®key_type˝; alias key_of is ®key_function˝ [ element_type return key_type ]; alias "<" is ®less_than_function˝ [ key_type, key_type return boolean ]; -- types provided by the package type ordered_collection_object; -- private type position_object; -- private type ordered_collection is access ordered_collection_object; type position is access position_object; -- operations on ordered collections function new_ordered_collection return ordered_collection; -- returns an empty ordered collection of element_type values procedure insert ( c : inout ordered_collection; e : in element_type ); -- inserts e into c in position determined by key_of(e) procedure get_element ( variable p : in position; e : out element_type ); -- returns the element value at position p in its collection procedure test_null_position ( variable p : in position; is_null : out boolean ); -- test whether p refers to no position in its collection procedure search ( variable c : in ordered_collection; k : in key_type; p : out position ); -- searches for an element with key k in c, and returns the position of -- that element, or, if not found, a position for which test_null_position -- returns true procedure find_first ( variable c : in ordered_collection; p : out position ); -- returns the position of the first element of c procedure advance ( p : inout position ); -- advances p to the next element in its collection, -- or if there are no more, sets p so that test_null_position returns true procedure delete ( p : inout position ); -- deletes the element at position p from its collection, and advances p -- private types: pretend these are not visible type ordered_collection_object is record element : element_type; next_element, prev_element : ordered_collection; end record ordered_collection_object; type position_object is record the_collection : ordered_collection; current_element : ordered_collection; end record position_object; end package ®element_type_simple_name˝_ordered_collection_adt;