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That's a wrap. Shall we talk?
We've shared some of our knowledge on verifying large-scale systems, but there's certainly more available. We'll bet you may even have a few questions, and we're ready to answer them. Here's how to do it. 

Talk to the presenter.
Janick Bergeron, our Vice President of Technical Wisdom, is happy to talk to you at your leisure. Feel free to send him e-mail, or call him at +1.503.670.7200, extension 544. 

Consult the experts. Call Qualis.
We're in the business of sharing advanced knowledge in complex system design. It's what we live for. Whether it's about design reuse methodologies, or getting down in the trenches with your design team to crank out a complex chip or system, you can book us for a private consultation by simply contacting us via e-mail, or call us at +1.503.670.7200. For instant relief of your curiosity, peruse our web site. You'll find a great deal of information about who we are and what we do. 

Feed us your feedback.
We hope you found our seminar valuable. Please tell us your thoughts by completing this simple questionnaire. And for spending your valuable time with us, we'll pass along a gift that we think you'll like. Really.

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Design methodologist ASIC designer System designer 
FPGA designer Verification designer Simulation model designer 
Chip layout PC board layout Applications engineer 
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5335 SW Meadows Suite 450 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 USA
503.670.7200 - fax 503.670.0809 ©1997-1998 Qualis Design Corporation