
E.1 access types: PROCESS ... TYPE twobits IS ARRAY (0 TO 1) OF BIT; TYPE twobits_pointer_type IS ACCESS twobits; -- declare an ACCESS type. -- The subprograms NEW and DEALLOCATE are declared implicitly VARIABLE p1, p2 : twobits_pointer_type; -- declare two pointer variables ... BEGIN ... p1 := NEW twobits; -- allocate memory for an object of type "twobits" p1.ALL := ('0','1'); -- store a value to the memory location p1 := ('0','1'); -- equivalent to "p1.ALL := ('0','1')" p1.ALL(0) := p1.ALL(1); -- referencing subelements of an array pointed by -- an access value p2 := p1; -- "p2" and "p1" are now pointing to the same memory location DEALLOCATE(ip2); -- free memory ip1 := NULL; -- "ip1" now points to nil END PROCESS;
E.2 array and record aggregates: SIGNAL bvec : BIT_VECTOR(0 TO 3); SIGNAL one_bit : BIT_VECTOR(0 TO 0); SIGNAL b1, b2, b3, b4 : BIT; TYPE rec IS RECORD a : BIT; b : INTEGER; END RECORD; SIGNAL rvec : rec; ... -- examples for array aggregates bvec <= (1=>'1', OTHERS=>'0'); -- assigns ('0','1','0','0') to "bvec" (named -- association) bvec <= ('0','1','0','0'); -- positional association (b1,b2,b3,b4) <= bvec AFTER 20 ns; -- "b1" will be assigned "bvec(0)", -- "b2" "bvec(1)", ... one_bit <= (0=>'1'); -- named association has to be used to create an -- aggregat containing only a single element -- examples for record aggregates rec <= ('0', -9); -- "rec.a" = '0', "rec.b" = -9 (positional association) rec <= (b=>123, a=>'1'); -- "rec.a" = '1', "rec.b" = 123 (named association)
E.3 array and record types: -- constrained arrays TYPE word IS ARRAY (31 DOWNTO 0) OF BIT; TYPE memory IS ARRAY (0 TO 100, 0 TO 7) OF BIT; -- two dimensional array -- unconstrained arrays TYPE r_vector IS ARRAY (POSITIVE RANGE <>) OF REAL; TYPE i_vector IS ARRAY (NATURAL RANGE <>) OF INTEGER; -- POSITIVE and NATURAL -- are predefined integer subtypes ranging 1 to INTEGER'HIGH, -- respectively 0 to INTEGER'HIGH ... -- declaring array objects VARIABLE bus : word := (OTHERS => '0'); -- default value of bus -- is ('0','0',...'0') VARIABLE mem : memory := (OTHERS => (OTHERS => '1')); -- default value of mem -- is (('1',...'1'),...,('1',...'1')) VARIABLE a : r_vector(1 TO 3) := (1.0, 2.4, 3.4); -- "a" has 3 elements VARIABLE b : i_vector(0 TO 1); -- "b" has two elements ... -- accessing array elements bus(3) := mem(2,3); -- record types TYPE rec IS RECORD -- record type "rec" contains 4 elements "a" to "d" a : BIT; b : INTEGER; c : REAL; d : bit_vector(0 TO 2); END RECORD; -- declaring record objects VARIABLE rec_var : rec := ('0', 34, -123.4, (OTHERS => '0')); -- "a" = '0', -- "b" = 34, "c" = -123.4 and "d" = ('0','0','0') -- accessing record objects rec_var := (a=>'1', d=>('0','1','0'), b=>-1, c=>12.45); rec_var.a := '0'; -- accessing element "a" of record "rec_var" rec_var.b := 111; -- accessing element "b" of record "rec_var"
E.4 assertion statement: VARIABLE a,b : INTEGER; ... a:= 10; b:= 11; -- the assertion statement will report a message only if the condition -- expression evaluates to FALSE ASSERT a /= b -- assert statement will report nothing because REPORT "a not equal b" -- a /= b evaluates to TRUE SEVERITY WARNING; ASSERT a = b -- assert statement will report the WARNING REPORT "a not equal b" -- message "a not equal b" SEVERITY WARNING; ASSERT a = b REPORT "a not equal b"; -- will report the ERROR message "a not equal b" ASSERT a = b; -- will report the ERROR message -- "Assertion violation"
E.5 attributes: TYPE int_up IS INTEGER 0 TO 100; TYPE int_down IS INTEGER 99 TO -1; TYPE vec IS ARRAY (3 DOWNTO -1) OF INTEGER; TYPE vec2d IS ARRAY (0 TO 3, 5 DOWNTO 1) OF BIT; VARIABLE bus : vec; -- examples for some predefined attributes a := int_up'LEFT; -- a = 0 a := int_up'LOW; -- a = 0 a := int_up'HIGH; -- a = 100 a := int_down'LEFT; -- a = 99 a := int_down'HIGH; -- a = 99 a := vec'LEFT; -- a = 3; note: "vec" is an array type a := bus'RIGHT; -- a = -1; note: "bus" is an array object a := bus'LOW; -- a = -1 a := vec2d'LENGTH(1); -- a = 4, size of the first dimension of "vec2d" a := vec2d'HIGH(2); -- a = 5
E.6 base type: TYPE vec IS ARRAY (3 DOWNTO -1) OF INTEGER; -- the base type of type -- "vec" is "vec" SUBTYPE memory IS bit_vector(1 TO 100); -- the base type of "memory" is -- "bit_vector" SUBTYPE pin_count IS INTEGER 1 TO 20; -- the base type of "pin_count" -- is "INTEGER"
E.7 bit strings: B"0110_1001"; -- (binary), length is 8, equivalent to -- ('0','1','1','0','1','0','0','1') B"0110100110"; -- (binary), length is 9, equivalent to -- B"01_1010_0110" X"65"; -- (hexadecimal), length is 8, equivalent to -- B"0110_0101" O"126"; -- (octal), length is 9, equivalent to -- B"001_010_110"
E.8 internal block: ARCHITECTURE block_struct OF test IS SIGNAL clock : BIT := '0'; SIGNAL count : INTEGER := -1; ... BEGIN alu: BLOCK PORT (clk IN BIT; counter : INOUT INTEGER); -- interface of block alu PORT MAP(clk => clock, counter => count); -- port map association list ... -- declarations for "alu" BEGIN counter <= counter + 1; ... END BLOCK alu; ... END block_struct;
E.9 concurrent statements: ARCHITECTURE concurrent OF test IS SIGNAL sig, data, dum : BIT; PROCEDURE test_proc (val1 : IN BIT; pdata : IN BIT) IS BEGIN ... END test_proc; BEGIN -- concurrent signal assignment alab1: -- label sig <= '1' AFTER 10 ns, '0' AFTER 15 ns; -- INERTIAL delay data <= TRANSPORT '1' AFTER 20 ns; -- TRANSPORT delay data <= REJECT 5 ns INERTIAL '1' AFTER 10 ns, '0' AFTER 15 ns; -- same as -- INERTIAL delay, but only spikes with a pulse width less -- than 5 ns are deleted. NOTE: you must have a VHDL'93 -- compliant compiler/simulator to use "REJECT" -- conditional signal assignment dum <= '1' AFTER 10 ns, '0' AFTER 15 ns WHEN data_i = 100 ELSE '1' AFTER 20 ns WHEN data_i = 100 AND data_i = 99 AND sig = '0' ELSE '0' AFTER 100 ns; -- selected signal assignment WITH data_i SELECT '1' AFTER 10 ns, '0' AFTER 15 ns WHEN 1 | 10 , -- assign waveform if -- "data_i" = 1 or "data_i" = 10 '1' AFTER 20 ns WHEN 100, '0' AFTER 2 ns WHEN OTHERS; -- default assignment -- process statement pname1: PROCESS VARIABLE count : INTEGER := 0; BEGIN COUNT := COUNT + 1; ... WAIT ON data; END PROCESS; -- concurrent assertion statement ASSERT dum = '1' REPORT "signal dum is '0'" SEVERITY WARNING; -- concurrent procedure call test_proc (val1=>sig, pdata=>data); END concurrent;
E.10 default expression: ENTITY test IS GENERIC (def_val : BIT := '1'); -- default value of "def_val" is '1' PORT (clk : IN BIT := '0'; data : INOUT BIT := def_val); -- default value -- of "clk" is '0', the default value of "data" is "def_val". -- Note, "def_val" is declared in the generic clause above! END test; ARCHITECTURE block_struct OF test IS SIGNAL clock, reset_pin : BIT := '0'; SIGNAL count : INTEGER := -1; SIGNAL bus : bit_vector(0 TO 7) := (4=>'1', OTHERS=>'0'); -- default value -- of "bus" is B"0000_1000" ... BEGIN ... END block_struct;
E.11 deferred constant: PACKAGE pack IS CONSTANT c_normal : INTEGER := 100; -- normal constant CONSTANT c_deffered : INTEGER; -- deferred constant END pack; PACKAGE BODY pack IS CONSTANT c_deffered : INTEGER := -99; -- full declaration of constant -- "c_deffered" END pack;
E.12 incomplete type declaration: -- example of a recursive type TYPE mytype; -- incomplete type declaration TYPE link_mytpe IS ACCESS mytype; -- an access type for "mytype" TYPE mytpye IS RECORD next : link_mytype; data : INTEGER; END RECORD;
E.13 enumeration type: TYPE colour IS (red, yellow, green); TYPE four_state IS ('0', 'L', 'Z' 'X');
E.14 integer type: TYPE state IS RANGE 0 TO 32; TYPE bit_index IS RANGE 31 DOWNTO 0;
E.15 inertial delay: SIGNAL data : INTEGER; -- assume the actual projected output waveform of signal "data" is -- (4, 8 ns) (12, 10 ns) (-1, 15 ns) (12, 18 ns) (100, 25 ns), -- | | -- | time -- value -- then the driver list after executing data <= 12 AFTER 11 ns, 100 AFTER 15 ns; -- at simulation time 3 ns evaluates to -- (12, 10 ns) (12, 14 ns = 3 ns + 11 ns) (100, 18 ns)
E.16 transport delay: SIGNAL data : INTEGER; -- assume the actual projected output waveform of signal "data" is -- (4, 8 ns) (12, 10 ns) (-1, 15 ns) (12, 18 ns) (100, 25 ns), -- | | -- | time -- value -- then the driver list after executing data <= TRANSPORT 12 AFTER 11 ns, 100 AFTER 15 ns; -- at simulation time 3 ns evaluates to -- (4, 8 ns) (12, 10 ns) (12, 14 ns = 3 ns + 11 ns) (100, 18 ns)