Waveform Editor

Replacing Node Names & Comment Text in a Waveform File

To replace text in comment text and node names:

  1. Open a waveform file.

  2. Choose Replace (Edit menu).  Shortcut

  3. In the Find what box, type the text you want to find .

  4. In the Replace With box, type the text to replace the text in the Find what box.

  5. Turn on or off Match whole words only, Match case, and Use regular expressions.

  6. In the Search list, select Up, Down, or All.

  7. In Find in, turn on or off Node names, Comment text, or All to indicate the location for the search in the Waveform Editor.

  8. If you want to find the next instance of the text you want to replace, click Find Next.

  9. If you want to replace the instance of the text you found in the previous step, click Replace.

  10. If you want to replace all in the waveform file, click Replace All.

  11. Click OK.

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