
Quartus II Support for Verilog 2001

Quartus® II support for Verilog 2001 is described in the following table. Section numbers match those in the IEEE Std. 1364-2001 IEEE Standard Verilog Hardware Description Language manual. Note that the sections numbers do not always match those in the IEEE Std 1364-1995 IEEE Hardware Description Language Based on the Verilog Hardware Description Language manual. This table lists all supported constructs, but lists only the major unsupported constructs.

Section Verilog HDL Construct Quartus II Support     Note (1)
3.2 Signed data types Supported.
3.10 Arrays One-dimensional arrays are supported .Multi-dimensional arrays are not supported
3.11.2 localparam Supported.
4.1 New operators: **, <<<, and >>> Supported.
4.2.1 +: and -: part-selects Supported.
9.7.5 Implicit event_expression list Supported.
12.1.3 Generated Instantiation Supported. Parameter value assignment by name Supported.
12.3.3 Net types in Port Declarations Supported.
12.3.4 List of Ports Declarations Not supported.
13 Configuring the contents of a design Not supported.
19.4 `ifdef, `else, `elsif, `endif, `ifndef compiler directives Supported.

Verilog 2001 provides additional reserved words, which are listed below. Reserved words cannot be used as identifiers in Verilog HDL designs.

automatic generate instance library unsigned
cell genvar liblist noshowcancelled use
config incdir library signed unsigned
endgenerate include localparam showcancelled  
pulsestyle_onevent pulsestyle_ondetect      

Refer to the Quartus II Verilog HDL Support Tables for detailed information on supported Verilog 1995 features.

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