
Examples of Tcl Scripts

The following Tcl script instructs the Quartus® II software to open the chiptrip project, set the chiptrip Compiler settings as the current settings, and run the compilation. These scripts can be run from the Quartus II Tcl Console and the command line.

project open chiptrip
project set_active_cmp chiptrip
cmp start
while { [cmp is_running] } {
  if { ![is_command_line_mode] } {
    set x 0
    after 1000 { set x 1}
    vwait x


The following Tcl script represents a Tcl test bench:

project open chiptrip
project set_active_sim chiptrip
sim initialize
while { ![sim is_initialized] } {
  if { ![is_command_line_mode] } {
    set x 0
    after 1000 { set x 1}
    vwait x

sim print info "Simulation is initialized"								 

sim testbench_mode true                   									 

sim force_value {dir\[0\]} 0              									 
sim force_value {dir\[1\]} 1              									 
sim force_value clock 0                   									 
sim run 10ns                              									 
sim get_value at_altera					  									 
sim force_value reset 1                   									 
sim testbench_mode false                  									 
sim run end                               									 
while { [sim is_running] } {
  if { ![is_command_line_mode] } {
    set x 0
    after 1000 { set x 1}
    vwait x

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