Report Window

IOGND Groups Section (Compilation Report)

Displays information regarding the IOGND Groups in MAX® 7000B devices. This section is omitted if you do not specify a MAX 7000B device for compilation.

Information is provided as follows:

Heading Description Value
IOGND Group Shows the IOGND Group in the device. <group letter>
I/O Pins Shows the total number and percentage of pins used by the specific IOGND Group. <total pins used> / <total number of pins in IOGND group> (<percentage>)
IOGND Current / Current Limit Shows, in microamperes, the current used by the IOGND Group. <total current used> / <total current for IOGND group> mA (<percentage>)


The following example shows a portion of the IOGND Groups section generated for a sample design:

IOGND Groups Section (Compilation Report)

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