Report Window

GXB Transmitter Channel Section (Compilation Report)

Lists information about the GXB transmitter channel usage, which is implemented using the altgxb megafunction in Stratix GX devices, including parameter values you specified either by using the MegaWizard® Plug-In Manager (Tools menu) or by editing a text file. This section is omitted if the design does not include GXB transmitter PLLs.

Information is provided as follows:

Heading Description Value
Name Shows the instance name of the GXB transmitter channel. <GXB transmitter channel instance>
Channel Number Shows the logical channel number of the GXB transmitter channel. 0 | 1 | 2 | 3
Channel Width Shows the width of the channel of the GXB transmitter channel. 8 | 10 | 16 | 20
Data Rate Shows the data rate of the GXB transmitter channel. <data rate>
Transmit Protocol Shows the transmit protocol for the GXB transmitter channel. XAUI | GIGE | RAPIDIO | FIBRECHANNEL | SONET | CUSTOM | None
Output Buffer Differential Voltage Shows, in milliamperes, the voltage of the output buffer. <current> mA
Output Buffer Pre-emphasis Shows the percentage of voltage output differential . <percentage> %
On-Chip Termination Shows, in ohms, the value of the on-chip termination resistance. <resistance> Ohm
Calibration Mode Shows the calibration mode for the GXB transmitter channel. Once | Continuous


The following example shows a portion of the GXB Transmitter Channel Section generated for a sample design:

GXB Transmitter Channel Section (Compilation Report)

NOTE This topic prints best in Landscape orientation.

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