Report Window

Differential I/O Receiver with Dynamic Phase Alignment Section (Compilation Report)

Displays information regarding SERDES receiver with Dynamic Phase Alignment (DPA) usage, which is implemented using the altpll megafunction in Stratix GX devices, including parameter values you specified when instantiating the PLL. This section is omitted if the design does not include SERDES receivers.

Information is provided as follows:

Heading Description Value
Name Shows the instance name of the SERDES receiver. <SERDES receiver instance>
Clock0 Shows the signal source for the clock0 input of the SERDES receiver. <signal source name>
Core Clock Shows the signal source for the coreclk input of the SERDES receiver. <signal source name>
Data Realigner Shows the signal source for the bitslip input of the SERDES receiver. <signal source name>
Reset Shows the signal source for the dpareset input of the SERDES receiver. <signal source name>
DPLL Reset Shows the signal source for the dpllreset input of the SERDES receiver. <signal source name>
Data Width Shows the data width of the output for the SERDES receiver. <data width>
FIFO Shows whether FIFO is enabled for the SERDES receiver. Enabled | Disabled


The following example shows a portion of the Differential I/O Receiver with Dynamic Phase Alignment section generated for a sample design:

Differential I/O Receiver with Dynamic Phase Alignment Section

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