
uPCore Transaction Model Slave Input File (.sbus_in)

An ASCII text file (with the extension .sbus_in) for use in simulating bus transactions between the embedded processor core and the PLD in an ARM®-based Excalibur device. This file contains the initial contents of the memory bank in the Excalibur embedded processor stripe that is accessed by the PLD through the Stripe Slave-Port. The Simulator supports up to six uPCore Transaction Model Slave Input Files (.sbus_in) whose memory spaces, including start and end addresses, are specified in the uPCore Transaction Model Slave Configuration File. Each uPCore Transaction Model Slave Input File may consist of up to 65536 little-endian, 32-bit words.

The memory spaces as defined in the uPCore Transaction Model Slave Configuration File and uPCore Transaction Model Slave Input Files simulate the bus transactions between the PLD and stripe memory (SDRAM Interface, Expansion Bus Interface, UART Interface, and so on).

To create an uPCore Transaction Model Slave Input File, you must create a text file with the initial memory contents of the memory bank in the proper format. You must save it in the project directory in the format <file name>.<bank number>.sbus_in. The variable <bank number> is the corresponding memory bank number (0-5). The variable <file name> must be the file name of the uPCore Transaction Model Input File (.mbus_in), uPCore Transaction Model Slave Configuration File (.cfg.sbus_in), and uPCore Transaction Model Slave Input Files. You specify a single root name of these files (that is, without the file extension) in the uPCore Transaction Model File Name box, in the Options page of the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu).

An uPCore Transaction Model Slave Input File that represents an unused memory bank consists of all zeroes. If no uPCore Transaction Model Slave Input Files exist in the project directory, the memory spaces are initialized to zero, and the transactions to the Stripe Slave-Port from the PLD are written to the uPCore Transaction Model Output File (.mbus_out), but any return information from the memory banks in the stripe is set to zero.

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