
Quartus II Web Edition

The Quartus® II Web Edition is an entry-level version of the Quartus II software. You can go to the Download Center of the Altera® web site at to download the Quartus II Web Edition software.

Refer to the following table for feature information on the software editions.

Feature Quartus II Software Quartus II Web Edition Software
Availability CD-ROM Free from the Download Center section of the Altera web site, and on the Altera Digital Library CD-ROM
Licensing Perpetual 150 days
Device Support All

ACEX® 1K, APEX 20K30E, APEX 20K60E, APEX 20K100E, APEX 20K160E, APEX 20K200C, APEX II EP2A15, ARM®-based Excalibur EPX1A, Cyclone, FLEX 10KE, FLEX® 6000, MAX® 3000A, MAX 7000B, MAX 7000AE, Stratix EP1S10



LogicLock regions Yes No
Custom regions Yes No
Timing Closure Floorplan Yes No
Netlist Optimizations feature Yes No
Power estimation feature Yes No
Project Archive Yes Yes
ModelSim® OEM software Yes No
Tcl script support Yes Yes
Fast Fit Yes No
SignalTap® II Logic Analyzer Yes Available if the TalkBack feature is enabled.
STAMP models, Toolnet Yes No
Incremental synthesis Yes No
SignalProbe feature Yes No
Design Assistant Yes No
Hardcopy Tools Yes No
Advanced Tutorials Yes No
Virtual I/Os Yes No
Device Migration Yes No
Disable messages Yes No
IBIS model generation Yes No
RAM Partitioner megafunction Yes No
Test bench generation from VWF Files, test bench template generation Yes No

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