
configuration scheme

A method used to load data into all SRAM-based devices supported by the Quartus® II software.

The following configuration schemes are available for ACEX® 1K, APEX 20K, ARM®-based Excalibur, FLEX 10KE, and Mercury devices:

Configuration Scheme Data Source
Configuration device EPC1, EPC2, EPC4, EPC8, or EPC16 configuration device.
JTAG Uses SRAM Object Files (.sof), Jam Files (.jam), or Jam Byte-Code Files (.jbc) via the MasterBlaster download cable, ByteBlasterMV download cable, or ByteBlaster II download cable; uses Jam Files or JBC Files used by a microprocessor.
Passive Parallel Asynchronous (PPA) Parallel data source. Uses Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) Files (.hex), Raw Binary Files (.rbf), or Tabular Text Files (.ttf) used by an embedded microcontroller or other host.
Passive Parallel Synchronous (PPS) Parallel data source. Uses HEX Files, RBFs, or TTFs used by an embedded microcontroller or other host.
Passive Serial (PS) Uses SOFs via the MasterBlaster download cable, ByteBlasterMV download cable, or ByteBlaster II download cable; uses Programmer Object Files (.pof) from an EPC2, EPC4, EPC8, or EPC16 configuration device; uses HEX Files, RBFs, or TTFs used by an embedded microcontroller or other host.


The following configuration schemes are available for APEX II, Stratix, and Stratix GX devices:

Configuration Scheme Data Source
Configuration device EPC2, EPC4, EPC8, or EPC16 configuration device.
Fast Passive Parallel (FPP) Uses POFs via an EPC4, EPC8, or EPC16 configuration device; uses HEX Files, RBFs, or TTFs used by an embedded microcontroller or other host.
JTAG Uses SOFs, Jam Files, or JBC Files via the MasterBlaster download cable, ByteBlasterMV download cable, or ByteBlaster II download cable; uses Jam Files or JBC Files used by a microprocessor.
Passive Parallel Asynchronous (PPA) Parallel data source. Uses HEX Files, RBFs, or TTFs used by an embedded microcontroller or other host.
Passive Serial (PS) Uses SOFs via the ByteBlasterMV download cable, ByteBlaster II download cable, or serial data source; uses POFs from an EPC2, EPC4, EPC8, or EPC16 configuration device; uses HEX Files, RBFs, or TTFs used by an embedded microcontroller or other host.
Remote Update
(Stratix and Stratix GX only)
Uses POFs for Remote Update from an EPC4, EPC8, or EPC16 configuration device.
Local Update
(Stratix and Stratix GX only)
Uses POFs for Local Update from an EPC4, EPC8, or EPC16 configuration device.


The following configuration schemes are available for Cyclone devices:

Configuration Scheme Data Source
Configuration device EPC2, EPC4, EPC8, or EPC16 configuration device.
JTAG Uses SOFs, Jam Files, or JBC Files via the MasterBlaster download cable, ByteBlasterMV download cable, or ByteBlaster II download cable; uses Jam Files or JBC Files used by a microprocessor.
Active Serial Configuration EPCS1 or EPCS4 serial configuration device.
Passive Serial (PS) Uses SOFs via the ByteBlasterMV download cable, ByteBlaster II download cable, or serial data source; uses POFs from an EPC2, EPC4, EPC8, or EPC16 configuration device; uses HEX Files, RBFs, or TTFs used by an embedded microcontroller or other host.


The following configuration schemes are available for FLEX® 6000 devices:

Configuration Scheme Data Source
Configuration device EPC1 or EPC1441 configuration device.
Passive Serial (PS) Uses SOFs via the MasterBlaster download cable, ByteBlasterMV download cable, or ByteBlaster II download cable; uses POFs from an EPC1 or EPC1441 configuration device; uses HEX Files, RBFs, or TTFs used by an embedded microcontroller or other host.
Passive Serial Asynchronous (PSA) Uses HEX Files, RBFs, SOFs, or TTFs used by an embedded microcontroller or other host.

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