
I/O cell

A single register that exists on the periphery of an ACEX® 1K, APEX 20K, ARM®-based Excalibur, Cyclone, FLEX 10KE, Stratix, or Stratix GX device; a group of registers that exist on the periphery of an APEX II device; or a group of registers that are distributed in rows in a Mercury device. This term is sometimes also used to refer to a fast input-type logic cell that is associated with an I/O pin in a MAX® 7000 device, or a fast output-type logic cell on the periphery of a FLEX® 6000 device. I/O cells can help maximize timing performance, for example, by permitting fast setup times. I/O cells are also known as I/O elements.

The I/O cells in different devices support different I/O standards.

You can assign a logic function to a specific I/O cell.

I/O cells have "numbers" of the following format for the following devices:

Device Family

Format for I/O Cell "Numbers"

Variable and Number Descriptions

ARM-based Excalibur 

IOC_<pin number> <pin number> is the number of the pin associated with the I/O cell. In some device packages, <pin number> may consist of both digits and letters.

FLEX 6000

LC<number>_<LAB name>


The number of the fast output-type logic cell.

<LAB name>

The row letter and column number of the LAB that contains the logic cell.

MAX 7000

LC<logic cell number> <logic cell number> is the number of the fast input-type logic cell.

Stratix GX



The column number that contains the I/O cell.


The row number that contains the I/O cell.


The I/O cell number.

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